No, it is just not customary in these busy days. Historically, children used to breastfeed much longer. Since breastfeeding provides a natural contraceptive, this had a valuable effect in spacing out families and controlling family size: while she was still breastfeeding one, she was unlikely to start another. I have heard reports of children in China breastfeeding, though mainly for comfort rather than nutrition, up to five.
Yeah I have to agree with you on this one I do find it weird and creepy after a certain age O__o
I'm still breast feeding at age 62...loll.. Back to your question, yes that is strange! Never heard of that before! +5
Not really. I heard that breastfeeding is advised up to 2yrs. My little sister got breastfed until she turned 3 though.ΓΌ
Yes, that is weird. At two, he should be getting all the nutrition he needs from food.
Maybe it's because of the fixation modern society here in the states has about woman's breasts. After all they are there for the purpose of feeding your offspring. Other cultures breast feed their children longer than the norm here in a first world country. Some cultures breast feed until age 5 or 6 some even longer. Not weird or creepy at all. I have known more than one woman who breast fed her child past the age of two. the way the economy is, it's cheaper than formula and is probably having a bigger comeback than we realize.
Well, I'd rather have my child breast feed as long as possible than to have him on milk. Processed milk is not recommended by doctors.
Not creepy at all.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Last Emperor?" In this purportedly true movie, the emperor was breast fed by a wet nurse (his "butterfly") until his teens. Yes, by Western standards, that's weird and creepy. Personally I think when kids are old enough to say "I want some booby," they're too old for it.
No, it doesnt bother me, until they reach 4 years old, they need to be off the nipple by the time preschool starts.. The World Health Organization recommends that children be breastfed at least until age two, and a former surgeon general of the US has commented that it is a lucky child who continues to be breastfed until age two. In our over-sexualized culture, it makes some people uncomfortable to see a walking, talking child suckling at his or her mother's breast. However, for the mother and child with a mutually acceptable nursing relationship, other people's opinions should not be a factor. Often, pushing a child to be independent before the individual child is ready can be counterproductive.
Yuck. She has issues... that kid has TEETH !!
I didn't even know a woman could produce milk that long. I only thought that was for the first 6 months. Yes, i think thats weird. *Addition to above* I know women can produce milk for as long as she is of fertile age, i meant that after a baby is born, i thought that a womans breasts would stop "leaking", etc after 6 months of giving birth, until she has another.
I wouldn't. I'm a huge proponent of making children grow up. Breastfeeding past age one encourages children to behave as children longer than necessary.
No still breastfeeding at 5 and 6 is weird, but it is not uncommon to continue breastfeeeding past age 2. It provides comfort for the child and is often a relaxing time for mom, as she needs to slow down and rest so the child can suckle. In our fast paced lifestyle though many children are lucky to be breastfed past 6 months.
For me, breastfeeding stopped when they started getting teeth. Anything over a year old just seems a little ridiculous.
Not crazy. It's recommended that they be fed that way up to age 3. But that doesn't happen in this hurry-up world. And that's really kinda sad.
*shrugs* ~ I truly don't care what other women do with their boobs. It seems weird and creepy to me ~ that you do.
Not at all. The only reason most people don't do it is that they lead a lifestyle that doesn't fit in well with breastfeeding demands.
I think that's great. I was nursed for 18 months
Although most stop breastfeeding after a couple of months if the mother can supply her milk for longer periods it is better for the baby and young child. There is nothing "weird" about it except for society. There is nothing wrong with breast feeding for even 10 years if the mother is inclined to do so. Yes, the child will have been on solid foods for a long time, but the health bennifits to the child are innumerable. Please see the following information and also follow the other tabs as well.
I would pay to see her grandpa breastfeeding.
Maybe if little boys breastfed a little longer, they wouldn't have such a strange fascination with mammary glands as grown men. They are there for feeding babies, not for the amusement and excitement of grown men. Its kinda like getting turned on by a cow's udder. I hadn't planned on nursing past 18 months with my child, but she had cancer and one of the oncologists told me NOT to wean her during chemo. Not only did nursing give her comfort through a really rough time, it still gave her some immunity, as well as fluids and nourishment. She was the only kid in the oncology clinic that didn't have to have steroids to keep her eating and drinking, as she was nursing enough to keep body and soul together. Taking steroids is horrible for a kid, and I'm glad I was able to spare her that. Steroids keep them from sleeping well, causing them to be incredibly cranky and unhappy. One parent described steroids as having "demon child" in the house. It also makes their faces swell horribly. When I finally weaned my child at the end of chemo, she was almost three. She was so ready to give it up that she just patted each one and said goodbye and never asked to nurse again. There was absolutely no trauma. As long as you don't allow the child to dominate you and tell you when you will nurse them, I don't see a problem with it. One of my friends piggyback nursed, that is, two at a time. The baby nursed all the time. The older child nursed once a day at bedtime. That was quiet, mom-and-toddler time before bed and it helped her to settle down and sleep. I just don't want to see what one of my mom's hippie friends allowed her child to do: push mom down in a chair and pull her shirt up in public. That is just plain wrong and over the top. The child is dominating the parent and the parent had no control.
It's just wrong. As soon as there are teeth, the breast feeding must stop, that's usually about 6 months.
I had a friend who did that... Yes, it is creepy. I had a rule with my own kids. If they are old enough to ask for it... they are too old to have it! S T O P! BOTTLE TIME!
No its not creepy, give them what they want. Its fun for Mum and baby. Don't worry, the baby knows when to stop.
It's actually really healthy for a child. You can actually find videos of youtube of this one woman that breastfed her eight year-old children!!! THAT is pretty weird, though...I must say.
if you think thats bad look at this!
Not at all. I've known many mothers who breastfed that long and all their children were normal and happy, with a lasting close relationship with their families. I'd say they might even be better adjusted than others as the families seemed to be more caring and loving even after they leave home and grow up.
its not unusual, mothers milk is best
Neither one of these situations is weird, creepy, or wrong. Too many children aren't being breastfed long enough, if at all. Extended breastfeeding has been shown to have a positive affect in all areas of a child's life, which extends into adulthood. Your attitude is one of the reasons children aren't being B/F.
It is unusual but not unheard of and it is gaining popularity.
Actually, two years is the recommended minimum, but four years is recommend by the World Health Organization. It's only creepy in societies where the mother/child relationship has been replaced by the rights of mothers to hand over the principal raising of their children to day care so that they can work and buy more THINGS. And before feminists jump on me, a stay at home dad is just as good as a stay at home mom. Children deserve someone there for them. There are more children in the care of stay at home dads than all those in day care. At least until the wife gives into pressure from her peers and divorces him saying he's a deadbeat.
It freaks me out a little, but to each their own....As long as it does no phsycological damage I see no problem with it.
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