let me try-anwftrd id a cakl sitw?nope, not really,I was trying to type the words-answerbag is a cool site. I'll keep trying.................................
whe wtdyhe eopj sf ieoi??#*$&? Does that answer your question?
k im gonna i am ptryyu giid..not
here goes: ---- I can do okay for awhile as long as I keep my hands in the right sopt. Once I'm off, there is no going back. ----- OOh - not bad. Just one thing "sopt" was supposed to be "spot".
not ay all. Hey, that was pretty good!
Yes. The best course I took in high school was the typing one. When I entered College in 1975 I had my small Olivetti typewriter, and every paper that I gave to every professor was typed. I usually was the only one, and professors love to read typed stuff instead of trying to decipher everybody else's handwriting. So, I developed good typing skills. I can type with my eyes closed, very good and accurate.
no but I can use the tv remote with my eyes closed, does that count!
I can barely type with them open.
this is the answer to theis quesiton i phope it answers it for you
MY typing is atrocious particularly on this laptop. I need my PC and my keyboard and desk
I can barely type with them open
Yes, I have my keyboard under my desk on the keyboard rest so I can't see it when I am typing anyway. To prove my point, I typed this with my eyes closed. I am greatful to have had typing lessons when I was in school. It's a very valuable skill to have this day and age.
*closes eyes* I am actually a very skilled touch typist. I spend way too much time online and I know where all the keys are! I don't ever have to look at my keyboard to to know what i'm typing, but I do look at the screen to make sure that in myh blinding speed I didn't mistype anything! haha :)
I can't type with them opened - lol
Yes, I can type with my eyes closed. How did I do?
not exactky hey actually i kinf og can whoa im tanentyed!! well I sort of can type with my eyes closed but I am a professional at typeing useing only my elbow haha =)
nor reallu. wow i came pretty close what i meant to say was, not really.
The computer has improved my typing skills immeasurably. I really should time myself and see how fast I can type accurately. All those chat rooms really help. Going way back my typrwriter was a Smith-Corona, portable, in a hard box with a handle, and it had pica type. I used a two color ribbon. Most of you wouldn't know about that.
not realii//kunf pf// om teuing////jow am u doinnf? wrkl o stink that was spose to be......not really..kind am im doing...well i stink
idonlt jniw oriblu mot. no i can't
yes, infact this entire message is typed without me openning my eyes.
how do I close my eyes really good? typing is easy, being a smart ass commenter is hard.
Yes. I'm an expert at keeping my fingers on the home row. I'll plug my ears next.
Nope, can you?
Yes, I'm actually very good at it. I spend long hours writing papers for my psychology classes. I can even correct my closed-eyed mistakes with my eyes closed! (all of this was typed with my eyes closed, obviously.)
if thirs isd be withc myt eyesr openh donht asko whaty iths like clogsed
with your eyes closed really good Yep, it looks like I can!
I type while watching tv so I guess the answer would be yes. My first job after having the children was in a publishers as a typesetter.
Yes, I can touch type, I'm typing this with my eyes closed.
well i don't look at my fingers when i type anyway, so having my eyes closed doesn't really affect it. This has all been with my eyes closed by the way. It's really not a problem.
Eyes open I am at about 70 words a minute, closed about 40.
I'm typing this with my eyes closed so you tell me.
I cna type about 20wpm, without looking.
If I'm typing things that are in my head then I type about the same as when I look at the monitor or something else. I never look at my hands while I type.
Not to toot my own horn, but, actually, I can. I have been touch-typing for almost twenty years. In fact, just to prove the point, I am typing this "blind". I type at an average speed of 84 words per minute and sometimes can type as high as 104 words per minute when I get going. For what it's worth.
no i can't.i can just barely type real good with my eyes
does ths amsef k]fkgr ajsxzfjkl - suppose to read does this answer your question!
I know I answered this question before but I wanna try again,I shall now attempt to write "answerbag is so cool" ith my eyes closed,here goes- anderebag us su cooh Ahhhhhh!!!!!!,So Close!!!!!!!!.......I'll keep trying!.....
Yes, 180 w.p.m. with corrections, while not looking.
Not at all.
I learned to type in 8th grade on a manual typewriter that didn't have letters printed on the keys. We had to look at the front of the class to a pull-down screen that had a large picture of the keyboard in order to figure out which key to press. I find that if I look at my hands while typing it slows me down because I start to think of individual letters rather than the word I'm typing as a whole. The two coolest things about typing on a computer are 1) word wrap, and 2) delete. I don't miss having to figure out where to hyphenate words when I run out of toom on a line, or having to blow on the Liquid Paper to make sure it was dry before typing over my errors. BTW--I typed this response with my eyes closed. :)
I'll try it: Here we go... The quick, bdiabm dix jumoewdnogbweentrhe laxydihs. ...I guess not.
Yu stu rulweyous oodujr islaej Woohoooo...hey guys...I just did it. Yo baybiee...i CAN DO it Hey people..Just keep on trying! ,,l,
I wish !!!
Fairly well, but it's a long time since I took the test for my tyuping qualification. (Open eyes). Damn!
I am answering with my eyes closed? Is this good enough for you?
L CEN Type Rially Goow Wit,. My evsoe snou
"really gooe" So, almost right. I am not very used to this keyboard, I must say.
Yes, very good. Unless it is suppose to actual spell something.
Nope, but I can type certain words like google, Answerbag, and yahoo.
Yes I am a very good typer and I do not need to look at all.
Are you kidding ? I'm a hunt and peck typer. No way !
Yes,a little bit.You?
yes but its a little mess up.
Yeh! im doin it right now and as long as u know touch typing it is really easy
Ni Vit I vsn ryie witn m7 273d Vk5ctm 53qlly cas, There!
* d9ht ih9w cah t97:
Since I don't look at the keyboard anyway, I generally can do pretty good when typing with my eyes closed. This is an example.
Inm truying irt tright now. Nope I guess not.
Well I mess up a little, naturally, but I usually know where the mistake was made and I fix it. (I typed that with my eyes closed.)
I cannot type really well with my eyes open.
Yes, I do beleive I can type a good sentenace with my eyes closed. Yep! Ah, and best thing is I was self taught, too.
No I cannot. I have to look at the keyboard.
Here's my attempt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ...Answer: Better than I expected.
I suppose so, I'm doing it right now so if you wanted to know...theres your andwer.... that was fun!!!XD
Well, whatcha' think? Is this good enough?
I can't type worth crap with my eyes open much less my eyes closed
Lets see its dark now, no lights from any place besides my monitor and my hands are on the keyboard draw under the desk. *closing my eyes* No no differences I just could not see what was on the screen.
Yes, I am doing it right now... I do really good because I usually type e-mails while I am talking to someone or watching something... I actually like typing with my eyes closed... now let's see if i messed up at all...
I think I can tupe with my wues closed guess not perfectly.
no npt/ teally. (no, not really)
No not at all , I'm just learning to type
yes, very good..I learned in high school.
Ern I'm, yrying because I;', mot sure. I think I can spell words I tupe frequentlu. --Apparently not!
Yes I can..I studied transcription so I really needed to type faster. I can type without looking at the keyboards so I can also type with eyes closed. Ü
I am typing now with my eyes closed. Is it working? I have one of those curved keyboards though so it is easier to tell which key is which. yay I did well w00t
nwfnewfkfnnfnfew - oops, no I guess I can't!
If you try it hard,you can doit! believe yourself
Not really but I can do OK without looking at the keypad many times but I need to reorient myself at times.
NO PROBLEM ...Nwo wrer aer thsoe kyes tA?......M.C.S.
Let's find out if I can or not. I'm pretty sure that I haven't missed a single letter so far. Does that answer your question?
I can absolutely type with my eyes closed. Sometimes I freak people out at work by continuing to type while looking at them and carrying on a conversation with them.
I wish I could do that, hmmm, lets see if this comes out correctly as I;m typing with them closed now....
I can definitely type with my eyes closed or not looking at the keys. I make errors and my speed decreases if/when I do look at the keys.
avodiljdxlg bog absolutely not
I type the best without looking at the keyboard. I never look at the keyboard besides typing numbers. This might be since I do alot of typing and chating. I don't know, just experienced......
Lets see. Yeah I did it.
yes i can, and people very often tend to use the word 'good' instead of 'well' . meh, whatcha gonna do about it?
Let me try hwllo pwoplws it was supposed to be hello peoples
here I am typing with my eyes losed"
I touch type so yeah I guess so. I'm typing this with my eyes closed.
Yep. Comes from way, way, WAY too long spent at the computer. I never look at my fingers any more, and four of the letters have worn off my laptop keyboard but I can't be bothered replacing them.
Yeah, I can type pretty accurately with my eyes closed. ^ typed with my eyes closed.
I sure wish I could, I even took a course on line and it's just not in me.I'm not a great speller so my typing sucks as well....I love watching people who know how to type,They just go so fast. I can go fast with my two hands but not the proper way.... Anyone know of a site where I can learn from??.
it's possible to the good typist
fjsah;psvsdjhpotg a';k
i am currently typeing with my eyes closed and enjoy it whan the teacher says everybbody look ant the board meaning for everyone to stop typing and i can still type!! lol it realy winds him up! P.S. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
Yes, and it's really *well*.
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