• The best treatment for poison oak is steroids. They're not the kind of steroids that make bodybuilders look like Gonad the Barbarian (anabolic steroids); they're corticosteroid creams, gels, ointments, pills, or injections. Most are prescription only, except for hydrocortisone cream or ointment, which usually isn't strong enough. Pills are usually given in decreasing amounts over a week or so; the injection's a one-shot kind of deal. Poison Ivy is by far the most common cause of this allergic skin reaction. The entire plant, except the pollen, is toxic throughout the year, even during the winter months when the branches and stems are leafless. Systemic steroids produce rapid resolution of both the itching and the rash. If they are needed, a gradually tapering dosage over about 12 days should be given. There are "Dose packs" available by prescription which make the dosing regimen a bit easier to follow. When taking steroids, I personally recommend taking the entire days dose in the morning after a meal. This is more convenient than dividing the dose during the day and is similar to our bodies circadian rhythm of secreting more natural steroid in the morning. Check with your personal physician if a steroid has been prescribed for treatment. Take the oral steroids as directed, making sure to take the proper amount of pills each day. Do not stop taking the oral steroids until you are finished with the prescription, even if the poison ivy rashes have completely disappeared. Failure to complete the oral steroid treatment may cause the rash to return, possibly even worse than before. Report any serious side effects to your doctor while taking the oral steroids. Common side effects include insomnia, weight gain, facial swelling, fatigue, abdominal pain and even an outbreak of acne. In addition, taking oral steroids may cause complications for diabetics, since blood glucose levels can be raised.
  • Steroids huh! Tell him to get his ass to the gym! As a matter of fact...Oh no!...looks like I got poison oak ahh shit! Shoot me up doc!

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