Finance β†’ Credit β†’ Credit cards
  • you can try first premier bank card are credit one bank card they speacialize in bad credit are no credit at all ive tryed it and i no i got some bad aszzzzzzz credit give it a try you can apply online
  • Prepaid credit card: Find a bank/credit union that offers a prepaid credit card. 1. open an account 2. talk to the credit department 3. tell them your situation 4. ask them if I put up XX amount of dollars could you give me a credit card for that amount? Normally they will say yes. (since they are making money on you by charging you interest for using your own money. it's a win-win for them. 5. normally they report your credit to the 3 credit bureau 6. whatever you do make sure you use and pay your monthly bill (do not pay it off every month keep a balance on it) 7. download credit karma so you can monitor your credit (it's also a good protection for you) Find a bank/credit union that offers a prepaid credit card. 1. open an account 2. talk to the credit department 3. tell them your situation 4. ask them if I put up XX amount of dollars could you give me a credit card for that amount? Normally they will say yes. (since they are making money on you by charging you interest for using your own money. it's a win-win for them. 5. normally they report your credit to the 3 credit bureau 6. whatever you do make sure you use and pay your monthly bill (do not pay it off every month keep a balance on it) 7. download credit karma so you can monitor your credit (it's also a good protection for you)

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