No one expects me to get to work on time. And the sex can be more interesting.
No reckoning.
The meds are pretty good.
+5. You have no inhibitions. Sometimes I wish I could be like that
It makes you think everybody else is
With all the voices in my head, we are never alone. ;-)
People will move out of your way quite willingly on an overcrowded bus. You can dance to the music in your head without looking silly. Many times, the voices inside your head really are more sane then the voices outside your head. You can eat a combo cheese and peanut butter sandwich and NO ONE will make a disparging comment. Strangers will completely agree with your theory of intergalactic travel and give you a couple bucks to just move on.
Peoples expectations of you are pretty low, so you get to go through life at your own pace, and on your own path.... Besides like it was stated the meds are pretty darn good!
When you cut into the long return line at Walmart, it is ok! They will let you go in front of them cause they don't wanna mess with the crazy lady returning that hymroid cushion!!! +5
You can give away the Christmas fruitcakes that you get because you have the excuse that you are already a fruitcake.
You can actually get off on the insanity defense.
For being crazy might work you for happiness and other may try to concentrate on you craziness..and you will get attention of people...
One is you get to wear those fancy coats that tie your arms around the back.You have lots of companions in white coats around you.You get to eat with rubber forks and knives in case you miss your mouth when eating.The rooms are soft and padded,easy to bounce off.
You will get 3 hots and a cot and snacks all free, you get to wear hospital gowns so none of your close are ever needed. You won't have to buy anymore, you will get the occasional high on drugs you are given.
Plain and simple, Doing whatever the ___ you want, when you want!!! Some people learn from their mistakes the hard way =)
People leave you alone,for their peace of mind!
Everyone just knows your crazy and you don't have to explain yourself ;)
#1 is my favorite, lol. It's so nice to be insane, no one asks you to explain & #2 When you're on the edge, you have nothing else to lose
You're the expert....please tell us oh crazy one:)
In this country, you'll always have what you need. Roof over your head, food, clothing, and someone to talk to.
It means i get to have friends like you ~ lol {{{Big Hugs}}}
You don't have to worry about making inane conversation at yet another social function with people you really don't care for. They will avoid you like the plague. Better yet, approach them for some inane useless chit chat and make them uncomfortable! Ahhhh yes, there are advantages!
people don't take you seriously so you can get away with stuff
Not hard to come up with answers when one is on Answerbag...............
there is never a dull moment, life seems more fun :)
monetary benefits from the govt.
Who said I was crazy? I just rationalize things a little differently than most people. I have many friends. Most of them wear the same armless coat I'm wearing (don't ask me how I'm able to reach the keyboard of the Macintosh!)
Don't ask me.
Yes there are.
I could wear my hair like Albert Einstein and get away with it...........
Having a good laugh at any instance.
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