• Of course. True love is love of the soul, of the entire person, not their body. Physical attraction helps and is typically the initial catalyst for a relationship, but it's not necessary. Love the soul and you'll love the body too.
  • Yes, I look like hell and my spouse still loves me.
  • I think that there has to be some sort of physical attraction with the opposite sex - that's what typically gets "the ball rolling". The person that you are with may not be your "ideal" physically, but there may be other things that you find attractive - such as their character, personality, humor, intelligence, compassion, ect. No one is perfect physically. My current love tells me how beautiful I am inside and out. And I know that I can create a long list of why I think that I'm not that physically attractive any more. That's one of the traits that I find so attractive about him - he can find the beauty in so many different things in life. And for that, as well as other reasons, I love him.
  • yes ive been the one in luv w/ the "ugly duck" and now im the ugly one and my man still luvs me
  • I believe that once you get to know someone looks change and first impressions change as well. Sometimes when you go for the hot one - their looks change too once you get to know them. Personality is what makes the love form and stay - looks are just for first (and maybe even second) impression(s).
  • Anna Nicole did it.......for the money.
  • i think that when you realize that you love someone. they are physically attractive to you no matter how physically attractive they truly are.
  • Yes. Nature is strange in that way. Love looks beyond all surface things.
  • Yes for sure - It's in their actions and the way they treat you
  • I think you must find something attractive about the person. You are just realistic and note that he/she might not be Brad or Angelina. Still, I would rather have my man any day than Brad, all joking aside. He is the sweetest person on this earth. He has a big Italian nose and wears glasses, but I think he is gorgeous (we are married 27 years this year). And neither am I Angelina, for that matter, and he loves me.
  • yes you can :) :)
  • I don't think so. There has to be some type of attraction physically - just the slightest bit - you can't not like them physically at all. You can have the idea of being in love with somebody who is not physically attractive to you - and maybe his good qualities will then allow to realize he is physically attractive to you.
  • yes, i have fallen in love with somebodys personality all the time. And i sadly i wouldnt go out with them because i didnt want pople to make fun of me for dating somebody that was.. ughh not to good looking. So... yea. I feel bad.
  • of course, for example in Napoleon Dynamite, Kip and Lafawnduh love each other's heart and personality, and the rest follows
  • Only if you turn off the light during sex.
  • yes because true love isnt wats on the outside iits the feelings the people have for eachother . me and my gf were to gether for a month and she thought i was cheating on her but i wasnt
  • Yes, i do, and everyone makes fun of him.
  • You fall in love with a brain, not a face.
  • I always start with getting to know the person before I find out what they look like. Amazingly, every time I find someone I really like and think I could love, they've all been quite attractive after the fact that I didn't know how they looked while I was getting to know i'm going to say that no, i've never been in love with anyone i didn't find physically attractive.
  • yes, my and my now bf got to know each other over txts even though we saw each other at school. when i first met him i didnt find him physically attractive to be honest but i do now that i love him.
  • yes, of doesnt happen much always happens to me...and remember, the physical appearance isnt everything and it's only temporary
  • Absolutely yes, for me the persons character and personality is #1.
  • Well if I'm in love with them, then I WILL find them physically attractive, even if I didn't initially. The more I like someone, the more I find them attractive in all ways.
  • yes you dont necesarily have 2 be attracted to someone phisicly 2 be in love w/ them it's whats on the inside that counts
  • You can love a person you are not physically attracted to, especially if you were in love with them before, however; I believe that if it is a new relationship you cannot be in love with someone you are not physically attracted to. I imagine that the problem is your head says that they are the perfect person for you, but your heart says otherwise, and you can't force love.
  • Yes, you can, but it doesn't make for a good relationship.
  • There are lots of kinds of attraction. A very wise man told me years ago that there are three: 1) Physical Attraction 2) Emotional Attraction 3) Intellectual Attraction Any relationship based on just one of these isn't going to work. Two is better, and three is ideal. Your feelings about a person, your physical attraction to them and whether you're on the same mental wavelength all play in together and can amplify each other. Someone you might not be physically attracted to at first can become more attractive to you as you fall in love with their mind and their heart. Of course which one is prioritized will depend greatly on the individual. I personally depend more on intellectual attraction than most, I feel starved if I don't "connect" with someone on a mental level. My current squeeze prioritizes the emotional level, interestingly enough. Working together on both of these amplifies the physical attraction off the charts in our case. :) But if you honestly (whether intentionally or not) value the physical attraction most highly, you're gonna be very unsatisfied if you ignore your lack of attraction to someone long-term. And there's pretty much nothing to be done if you're physically repelled by them. Physical connection is important, whatever people may say otherwise. But that doesn't have anything to do with whether someone is "conventionally" attractive, just whether they rev your motor or not.
  • Yes, unfortunately. This still causes me grief, and has really confused my emotions in the past (and, to be honest, continues to). However, non-physical love influences physical love - which only makes things worse.
  • At the end of day when we're discussing love physical appearence is one of the least important factors. (yes im aware of how cheesy that sounds.)But honestly if you think about it if the person you love suddenly got shorter, lost their hair, or got a long scar across their face would it change the way you feel about them? If it does you are not in love. If they stopped telling you that they love you, started judging you, or just changing in general that usually changes someone's feelings in all walks of life. If variation in personality is a universal deterrant for lovers and physical appearence changes all the time then it cant possibly be that important. Also even if you're dating the hottest guy in the world and he treats you like a doormat you can never love him.
  • nice question..I think at first to start a relationship you need to have a physical attraction,but...once you fall into love all that gos out the door and it doesnt matter.The imperfections of a person has no effect on the feelings you have.It gos way beyond looks and is more on the personality side,and the persons whole being.So to answer the question..No physical attraction comes first but isnt the main factor of being in love.
  • from my personal experience i would say that the answer to that question is no . i believe that whoever you fall in love with becomes the most beautiful person in the world because you are in love with them.i think that the two always go together so that if you do love someone you will see them as being beautiful and unless you do see them as being beautifull then you probably aren t in love with that person.
  • Maybe its possible, but for me, looks are very important.
  • i think that even if you don t find a person physically attractive when you first meet them,you certainly will once you fall in love with them.handsome is as handsome does,applies to both sexes.
  • Defiitely! Although Physical attraction is important to some people, I believe that you have to be able to tollerate this person for the rest of your life. While a very good looking person can look good on your arm they could have an awful personality, which to me personality is key. My point is can you stand to be with this person for the rest of your life.
  • i believe when you DO love someone then by then their apearance would of grown on you or you would learn to apricate their qualities and traits even if you never found them attractive before. with love comes acceptance so if you still felt that this person is ugly your oviously not really in love. so for me i can see myself falling for someone that i wasnt attracted to but if i fell for them then i would of loved their whole package perfect or not
  • I am sorry to say that I couldn't go out with somebody that I wasn't attracted to. I need some form of attraction, this would effect my sexual life and it would be unfair to that man.
  • Well I don't think so i mean if you are in love with his personality i think that shows a whole lot more Character than a lot of people i say go and pursue this relationship in the lord and maybe it will come about in a marrage situation that he's your best friend
  • i think love goes way beyond physical attraction...
  • i think when you love someone, somehow they become attractive to you.
  • To a point, if I feel good with someone, they start looking better.
  • That was how it was with my ex-girfriend. I was not physically attracted to her at all through out our relationship. However, we were really good friends first so through the friendship that was when I grew to love her due to her outstanding personality and qualities.
  • No because no one would date anyone they don't find attractive. We do find people attractive that no one else thinks is attractive...we have those circumstances...but it never is someone who we don't find attractive. Never!
  • u can love sumone witout bein phisically bein attracted to them but wen ur in love with someone they become attractive in your eyes.I dont think u can be inlove with no physical attration
  • u can love sumone witout bein phisically bein attracted to them but wen ur in love with someone they become attractive in your eyes.I dont think u can be inlove with no physical attraction
  • If you talking about love in the romantic sense then yes. I think some people say that they love each other have strong feelings for each other in a platonic way too.
  • Yes you can. When I met my sweetie, I had no attraction to him physically at all. He had the greatest sense of humor and I could always depend on him. Those are the qualities that attracted me to him. When I found out he was "packing" that was the extra bonus and we've been together going on 19 years now and I love him to death.
  • it happened to me that i didnt love a boy i met first over a couple years he became my best friend and i fell in love with him and as my love for him showed up i started to be more and more attracted to him
  • No. Anyone I love I find to be beautiful... so that reall doens't work.
  • I think so and that makes things difficult in a relationship.
  • Of course. There are more important things about being attracted to a person than just looks. For example their personality, sense of humor, or just things you both have in common. Sometimes the whole thing with how you look is very overated.
  • Yeah, though I'd think it tough. If there are other traits about them that can turn you on sexually, then go for it. Otherwise, CASH OUT!
  • yes, because it can be that person's personality that makes them attractive on the outside.
  • Yes you can be. It doesn't matter what they look like, it is what is on the inside that counts. And I know this sounds like a broken record, but it is true! For me, I used to always try to find someone fairly attractive, but everytime I did they turned out to be an @$$!! I have kind of gave up on this, and tried to get to know people who I thought were not as physically attractive, and it can and does work. You just have to look past their looks to find out who they really are.
  • It takes time but yes.
  • Of course you can! In fact, it is easier. I have found that less-than-beautiful people have often developed more of the qualities that make them stellar individuals, and wonderful friends and lovers. When I was 19 I worked in a small grocery store. A lady used to shop there who was the most hideous person I had ever seen. I couldn't even describe her to you. But her face was truly awful. Not disfigured really, but also not right. I wondered how someone like that functioned in life - managed to come out in public. But she would sing! She had a nice voice, and I have never, before or since, seen someone sing aloud while they shopped for groceries! Happy, lillting songs! She seemed happy! But I didn't believe that she could be. After about 6 months of catching glimpses of her in the aisles, I saw her come in one day with 3 of the most beautiful children I had ever seen. They were radiant! And they were well behaved, clean, smiling, and called her "Mom". In that instant my entire concept of beauty changed. Some special man with better vision than mine had seen the lovely and loving creature inside of this mishapen figure. He must have been quite a hunk too, judging by the beauty of these kids! I have never seen 'physical beauty' the same since.
  • Yes, but Princess Fiona is taken, damn Shrek!
  • Absolutely, the body is only the vehicle we live in while on this earth, it's what's inside that counts.
  • that that how you measure love by how physically attractive you are to someone...that's a little shallow.
  • i think you can be in love with someone you don't find physically attractive, i personally have dated men who are not the best looking around but i was with them because of how they treated me and how we got along. i value that more then anything else, looks eventually fade. but personality and how you get along last a lot longer.
  • sure; when I first started going out with my boyfriend I didn't think he was particularly physically attractive, and I guess by most standards he's not....but I love him more than anything!
  • No. I'm shallow, though. If there's no physical attraction, the relationship can't go anywhere.
  • I don't agree one bit with anyone who thinks there has to be some sort of physical attraction to love someone but that is my opinion and I would never tell someone they are wrong for thinking looks are important I might think you were vain and shallow for thinking looks were an important factor but I wouldn't tell you that you were wrong to feel like that as far as the question is concerned the answer depends on how important you feel physical attraction is in a relationship if you think it is a very important factor then you would probably find it very hard to love or be inlove with someone you found physically unattractive even if they were thr greatest person in the world in so many other ways however if you are like me and physical attraction plays very little into your decision of who to date then it is not only possible to love and be inlove with a physically unattractive person when you learn to focus onj other factors besides physical beauty it makes them seem more physically attractive to you because you are focusing on the beauty inside someone when you can do that it makes the outside more beautiful to you even if others don't see it
  • Sure, if they had a great personality.
  • I believe so because sometimes the persons personality can make up for them not being so attractive!
  • i agree with you anonymous. i am having that problem right now. i love my girlfriend but im not in love with her. why? i don't find her physically attractive but she is also a lousy love that makes it worse. she strong attitude, she has good pla for the future, she is beautiful but sometime wonder WHY i can't love her. my ex and and i, she would not have to touch me to get it up but this one if she does not touch me even if sometime try it feel so wrong i could fall as sleep. sometime i get jealous when she not around me thatget me worry. i think the problem may be that she don't give enough love to give back. but she is good to me in other area. but i wanna love so bad
  • This is a bit of a paadox, because if you truly love someone, you find reasons to find them physically attractive. It doesn't take a great deal of physical beauty, after all, if the person is a beautiful person inside.
  • i was in love with a man that i wasnt physically attracted to at first. I started out as his friend and as i got to know him i became attracted to him. There was always a little something there but it took a while.
  • I am in a situation in which my heart tells me that he is perfect, my head says "go for it", my ears say "yeah baby" but my eyes say "don't do it". It is just killing me!!!! There is definitely chemistry between us as well as a deep soul-mate type of connection but because I fell for him before I saw him, his looks were not a factor until we met face to face. Now that we've spent time together, the feelings (chemistry included) I have for him are just as intense but I am having trouble getting past the looks barrier. It makes me crazy because intellectually I know that looks ought not to be a factor, especially since I am WAY past the child-wanting phase of my life. Hmmm--now I'm leaning more toward the "go for it" side of the scale so at least my opinion was helpful to someone!
  • I love people I am not attracted too but I think to be inlove there has to be attraction.
  • all my girlfriends seemed to manage it : )
  • Yes, I am living proof of that. If you actually love someone you dont care what they look like you should love them for who they are and nothing else.
  • I have been in the situation where I tried to make it work with someone who I wasn't attracted to at all. I just couldn't get there, but mostly because we didn't have goals that were similar. The person doesn't have to be gorgeous but- if you're completely honest with yourself- they do need to be decent-looking for the initial relationship to start. After that looks become less important.
  • Yes, but not in a new relationship. For example, I will be in love with my husband when he is 90 years old......but the conundrum comes in when I say that even at 90, I would find him physically attractive because I will always see a 20 year old sexy man. Love does that.
  • yes it can be cauze I love mi best friend maria as a friend and Maria loves me as a friend but she don't have any physically attractive for me at all
  • my friend actually is right now. She went with him for like now hmm 5yrs on and off both of them cheat on one another. Comes to find out she isn't even attracted to him but she loves him and she doesnt want to leave him. Since she been with him for that time being ..But I guess thats when she cheats and finds the attractive ones to make up ? Idk lol
  • yes i've done it before. it doesn't ever end up good
  • yes we can .....
  • Yes, but then again, if you have to ask this question then you probably aren't in love.
  • I don't personally see how that is possible. True love transforms truly...others may find the beloved unattractive but to you, he/she is handsome/ doesn't make judgments about such "sees" the entire person, not just the surface. I think if you think you love someone or are "in love" with someone whom you find physically unattractive, your understanding of the word "love" is different from mine. :)
  • personally i don't think so.
  • to me being "in love" with someone is the same thing as being physically attracted to them. You can love people without being "in love" or physically attrated to them tho.
  • I think a person you find not so attractive at first can turn into a physically attractive person after their personality becomes a strong attraction. Just like someone you instantly find attractive can be a very "ugly" person after you get to know them.
  • Re; Answer 12--I'm still dating this guy exclusively and we are growing closer each day. We are both head over heels in love (something I have never experienced before) and things couldn't be better. Now i am glad I didn't see him before we started talking because I know I wouldn't have given him a chance. Which doesn't put me in a very good light. So looks are superficial both literally and figuratively. I wouldn't trade my guy for any other!
  • Yes!!! You Can!!! My Boyfriend Of Three Years Didnt Look The Greatest When I First Met Him But Now That I Kno Who He Is And How Much I Truely Love Him I Think He Looks Like The Greatest Thing In The World Trust Me :)!
  • Yes. There is so much more to people than their outside appearance. Over the course of a long-term loving relationship this is what happens. Ask the oldest person you know if they would marry their long-term spouse today if they were also in their 20's today. They would say no way she's way too old. But then ask them if they really love this person after lets say 45 years together. Often you hear " I love her more now than the day I married her." You see? RTeal love is far beyond the exterior. It goes straight to the soul.
  • Yes, it's that simple. Just yes.
  • The physical and intellectual part of love kind of comes in one package and can't survive without the other.
  • not at all because why settle for someone who you can't say "wow hes handsome" or "wow shes beautiful" and give that person to someone that will. yea u might be totally in love with who they are as a person but if you love them as a person u will always wish there outside matched the inside meanwhile to someone else it might. thats all.
  • I love this question. It sounds like people do? I have had crushes on girls with good personalitys, but I have never had the plessure of being in love with them. Beauty is only skin deap, but love I do believe has no bounds. I think alot of it is the fit, and then it all looks ,and feels good, or comfortable? I just hope.
  • yes of course, because you could always be attractive to there personalities and someones look dont always matter at all.. unless thats what your mainly interested in :p, but if thats not all what you look for in someone then yeah its deffinetly possible to be inlove with someone you dont find phycially attrative.. aslong as they have a good heart, and make you feel special :)
  • YES i am currently in love with this boi who is not all that cute, but that doesnt matter. i love him, not for who he is but for who i am when im with him....
  • Yes love is strnage you can be in love with someones mind and still make perfect love to them, how do you htink all thsoe fat people get pregnant haha lol j/k.
  • Yes, because once I get to know someone, they become physically attractive to me if they have what I am looking for
  • yes, but I think it is very hard. I believe that you need a little of both. It doesn't mean that they have to be beautiful, but need to be physically and mentally attractive to you.
  • you can but if u do their physical will become attractive to you.

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