• lol it's kind of odd how you put the sad face after that but um..if you mean anal cancer here's a google of it..
  • This is one reason that physical examinations are important. Some warning signs are blood in stools, pain, difficulity in your bowel movements, and unexplained pain. Any or all of these signs can be a results of a variety or reasons. Every so often, your doctor should have you go to a GI and have a colon scope. This can find tumors, polups, hemoroids, and any other problem that you may be developing before they become a life threatening problem.
  • Question: What are the symptoms of anal cancer? Answer: The anus is often confused with the rectum, which is the last several inches of the lower intestine. The rectum ultimately ends at the anus, where fecal material exits the body. Like other parts of the body, the anus is susceptible to infections and diseases, such as anal cancer. Symptoms of Anal Cancer The symptoms of anal cancer are not unique and are also symptoms of other conditions, such as hemorrhoids. Although anal cancer is relatively simple to diagnose, this can cause a delay in diagnosis for those with anal cancer. Symptoms of anal cancer include: * lumps or bumps located near the anus * anal bleeding or bleeding during bowel movements * anal discharge * pain in or around the anus * itchy sensation around or inside the anus * change in bowel habits, such as constipation, diarrhea and the thinning of the stools What to Do If You Have Anal Cancer Symptoms If you are experiencing the symptoms of anal cancer, please see your doctor. It is common for some to delay going to the doctor, because they feel embarrassed by anal symptoms or are fearful of being examined in such a private place. Please don't let these emotions prevent you from being examined by a doctor. Fortunately, anal cancer can be detected early on if the patient seeks medical care at the onset of symptoms. This page is about the symptoms of anal cancer. The symptoms can be similar to other problems of the anus, such as piles or anal fissures. The most common symptom is bleeding from the back passage (rectal bleeding). Nearly half of all people diagnosed with anal cancer have had rectal bleeding or blood in their stools. Other cancer symptoms can include * Small lumps around the anus, which may be confused with piles (haemorrhoids) * Pain in the anal area – 1 in 3 people (30%) have some pain in the area or a sensation of a lump there * Discharge of mucus from your back passage * Difficulty in controlling your bowels (faecal incontinence) * A lump (or lumps) in the groin But 1 in 5 people (20%) diagnosed with anal cancer don’t have any of these symptoms. Remember – anal cancer is rare, so if you have any of these symptoms it is more likely to be something else. But it is still important to report them to your doctor.

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