none. after my last relationship ended, im planning on getting old and dying alone surrounded by lots and lots of cats :)
I'm am losing more and more love the longer I stay.
Quick check ... Ahhh... I still have an endless supply..! Thanks for asking!
It's just begun for me baby.
No new stuff,
way too much. but that's ok.
i can't measure....but there is something out there.........
Way more then i need really, to bad i dont have any1 to take some off my hands!!!
i parsitively EXUDE with it! :D
Love is all you need.....
I have plenty of love for everybody.
How many stars are within our universe? :) Copious.
Infinite. Every time I date someone new I think I love them the most and when we break up it hurts the most...and yet u find someone u love even more afterwards!! You'll never run out of love to give if you find someone worthy
Until I met my current husband, I wasn't sure; if at all! Now, I find, I have quite a LOT !
Have a lot in reserve.Been saving it for the right person.: )
I am sure there is some left but I am very very very careful whom I give it too~~~I have been disappointed enough.
Im full of it. No comments please.
I got a whole lot of loving in me.
Tons and tons :o) invis +5
loads of it for you.mmmwwwaah
How long is a piece of string?
Plenty for everybody that hasn't hurt me.
Exactly 74.2^6 mL of love. And that's quite a lot.
I like to think a lot, but sometimes when I see the way many people behave, I feel like I'm running on fumes.
It never runs out!! :-)
I have lots but its locked up for the right man I wont get hurt again or waste my love.
i have an infinite amount of love, that i am willing to share
the perfect amount.
infinite amounts
I have enough love to give freely and still carry the vast majority to my grave.
plenty of LOVE...for all people....just a lot wiser of most people...and not much HOPE for many....this is ..JUSTME :)
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