• push becomes shove...everytime
  • Big cities already have a crime problem. Criminals are by definition law breakers. Passing new gun restrictions does not affect criminals but does harm lawful gun owners. This makes operations safer for criminals, not honest citizens. The blame goes to congressmen with utopian mindsets and an unwillingness to listen to rational solutions.
  • I'm responsible for telling everyone to buy guns and lots of ammunition. As is the Iraqi that were brought in by bush some years back are now terrorist training camps in all but 3 states. also obama's 2th. day in office he sent a committee to afganistan and iraq and 2 days later all addresses and social security numbers were on the iraq and afganistan black markets. Also obama had his first law passed and registered 2/4/09 states bring in hundreds of thousands of Palistinian refugees only for h.a.m.a.s. (h.a.m.a.s. leader just got out of prison.) Obama bribed the Israel's prime minister to make a state for the Palestinians in 2011. NOW YOU KNOW WHY I URGE YOU TO GET GUNS. Now Obama's trying to change our constitution about guns---SENATE SB-2099 read it. It may help to save all american lives.

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