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  • Be careful what you ask may get it.
  • Hand cuff him or tie him up, you could put a condom on but make sure and cut or rip the end so while you are doing it he cumms through the end.
  • Lucky I can't get my bf not to do it. And look Condom broke cause he didn't listen and if I am 'lucky' enough I'm pregnant. Getting a Test Friday!! =D
  • throw him down and have your way and if that don't work tie him down and have your way once he does it once he'll love it
  • Talk to him and see why. Maybe he dont want a baby and feel you are trying to get pregnant. Maybe (not telling you to) offer to buy and use spermicide condoms and take the pill if your not on them
  • why dont you just post a thing sayin you will a pay to have some guy cum in you. that way you get what you want and he gets a little something out of it.
  • You can do any of the above but they are not right. If you want to get pregnant you need to be honest about this with him. Then you need to hope he agrees with you. If he doesn't then you should either accept this or split up and find somebody who will.
  • Tell him you want him to just pull out. Let him the first few times so he doesnt get suspicious. ok you need to use ovulation prediction kits. when you get a positive that says you will be ovulating within 24 hour, this time get really sexy and drive him wild. Why you are having sex act super excited and wrap you legs around him real tight. He him super excited too so he looses control. than when he needs to cum he will be so excited and you will be holding him down so tight he wont have time to pull out. Or tell him your on the pill, get the pill but wash it down the sink every night. Do this for a couple months without getting pregnant. Than Start taking antibiotics for "acne" or an "infection and then let him cum in you and get you pregnant. Than after you go to the doctor to find out your pregnant tell him you didnt know that the antibiotics would make the birth control less effective and the doctor told you thats probably how you got pregnant. Dont worry He'll love the baby when its born.
  • Well he is probably concerned about getting you pregnant. Or maybe there is something physical with him. I knew a guy who couldn't allow anyone/anything to touch the head of his cock as he came b/c it hurt. It's not normal to have it feel like needle pins poking it when something touches it :-( I was giving him a bj and got him up to that point twice but each time he'd have to finish himself and cum on me but without letting anything touch the tip. It's a real medical condition as odd as it sounds. Maybe your bf has something similar and he's not telling you because he's afraid of what you'll think. Ask him. It's a risky thing but worth it to some people because there is that chance good will come of it. There is that chance that he'll be mad at you for asking such a thing, but ask yourself if it's worth it to you? If you know what is wrong, you can work with it and sometimes fix it. Is that worth it to you? I am pretty sure he won't like talking about it, especially with you, but he still feels bad about it too.
  • You can't force him to do something he doesn't want to do. So why is he not willing? You need to answer that question first and then address it. For example if he is afraid of you getting pregnant, then you should discus different birth control options with him. Really it just comes down to listening to him and talking it out.
  • ride him towards the end and just say you were in the moment
  • he is worried about getting you pregnant so show him that youy are on the pill ot the implant and this will put his mind at rest and then iam sure he will nothing better than going bareback and unloading inside the women unless you are trying to get pregannt in which case you need to discuss it with him and come to a conclusion that suits both of you

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