• My kids have never watched a cartoon in which any of the characters smoke, so I don't know which ones you mean. If a parent doesn't want a child seeing smoking cartoon characters, the child should not be allowed to watch the offending cartoon. Or, the parent should talk to the child about what the character is doing, and why it's a bad habit.
  • The smoking scenes have been nearly completely removed from kids' programming, even to the extent that TV doesn't very often show those 1940's cartoons that more frequently depicted smoking. I think smoking in cartoons has little to no effect on kids. And why worry about smoking when the characters are hurting each other with guns, mallets, or laser beams? You mentioned The Simpsons in a separate answer's comment box. In that show, smoking should be the least of parents worries. I enjoy the show, but I am an adult who can laugh at the political jokes or the sex or religion references.
  • Partly because many cartoons were drawn years ago and partly because they aren't real! They can walk off of cliffs and not fall. They can get hit by cars and blown up and set on fire and they don't die. As for the message... there is no telling what message kids are getting. Their minds operate differently than our adult minds. The message I get is that some adults are overly sensitive and wish to change the entertainment industry instead of just sitting down and telling their kids about the dangers of smoking. RAISE YOUR OWN DAMN KIDS!!!!

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