I've already done it twice. Haha
Yep, I'm doing it right now.... they think I'm working on an Excel Spreadsheet.
Yup,to show my Boss!
That makes no difference where I work. They just pile it on anyway. The culture is if you have too much then you have to just deprioritize stuff, dump it onto someone else or find a faster, smarter way of getting through it. Seriously the place is like a paper merry-go-round. One advantage is the more you have, the more you get to cherry pick out the stuff you want to work on (or that gets you more political brownie points) and deprioritize the rest.
I'm actually so busy that I can't get everything done in one day, so I don't have to "act" like it. But I will remember to do that, next time I am caught up:) Speaking of.... I have to go get ready for work!
I try to make it look like my department is loaded so we don't get more heaved onto us.
Lol! Yeah i do!
Yeh. I've done that.
Sure I do ... but it doesn't usually work very well. They just leave the work anyway!!
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