• I would imagin Ghost Rider since he's undead. X-men would take out the Fantastic Four in a Heartbeat... IMO... Storm would put out Johnny's Flame, Wolverine would make Laffy Taffy out of Mr. Fantastic, Cyclops will melt Thing into one giant slab of molten rock, and everyone else will join together to play Marco Polo with Invisible Woman.
  • Ghost Rider would win and the X-men would win. Ghost Rider has beaten Spiderman a few times so it wouldn't be hard for him to do it again and Ghost Rider is as strong as Thing, but faster and I think he's slightly more durable. The X-men have way more members than the Fantastic Four so they would just get overwhelmed.
  • Peter Griffin's boat the "S.S. More Powerful Than Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and the Incredible Hulk Put Together."
  • Geek Alert!!!!
  • 1 ghost rider 2 x men
  • Spiderman would beat Ghost Rider and The Thing. He's smarter, faster, and has the Spidey Sense! And the X-men would totally pwn the Fantastic Four.
  • Spiderman and X-men
  • That's easy! Ghost Rider would destroy spidey and The Thing. And X-men for #2. Check out this cool Ghost Rider Music Video. It has the band Voodoo Fly playing the Ghost Rider song called Dark Rider. It's a great tune! Click the following link to hear the best Ghost Rider Song ever! Ghost Rider Video featuring the song Dark Rider by Voodoo Fly. Featuring scenes from the Ghost Rider Movie Trailer and music by Voodoo Fly. Inspired by the infamous Ghost Rider himself the song Dark Rider tells the story of the man who sold his soul to save his dying father. Now cursed to ride for the Devil himself the Ghost Rider seeks out to avenge his father. Johnny Blaze, stunt rider by day... ...Ghost Rider, blazing hell on wheels by night.
  • I'm thinking Spiderman would beat The Thing and Ghost Rider & the XMen would beat The Fantastic Four.
  • Spider-man could outsmart either of them, and he has beaten foes much stronger than the thing and supernatural enemies more powerful than Ghost Rider. The X-men would win the second fightconsidering their roster has about 60 members as oppose to just 4.
  • After an hour of meaningless fighting where everyone's tired, Spidey would suggest a Basketball match allowing everybody to use their powers but following the normal rules...[Only 1 player from each side because the Fantastic 4 are only 4] Everybody agree and the match is won by Spidey.... lol
  • ok Ghostrider would kill both the thing and spidy and then the xmen would win becaus Thing is dead and thar is no 1 to help the 3
  • Hands down Aquaman
  • The Thing, and Fantastic Four.

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