Are you a woman?
Can you do it like my old girlfriend did?
when are u due. 99% of the time no bun in the oven is present
Shut the f*ck up c*nt
You're fat.
1- When's it due? 2- Pass the remote and get me a beer. 3- You're sister is much better than you are. 4- When's the last time you shaved your face? 5- I'm having poker night here. Set up me and the boys with some chips, will ya?
Are you going to wear "that"?
if she asks you if you think that another woman is hotter than her, you should never say yes, or even maybe. The answer should always be a firm no, no matter what you really think haha :)
You are not having the credit cards this week.
i hate you.
Never ask how much she weighs, even if she's slim.
you are fat, when are you do, god you are just like my ex girlfriend, you are uglier than my ex girlfriend, it was just a dare, you dont do it like my ex girlfriend, NO.
Boil my potato.
Essentially, the same things I would never say to a man, or to another human being. Just let common courtesy rule. Gender need not be a critical factor. +5
Even though I just answered this question a few moments ago, I actually just hear the very best answer to this question. My honey just said "I find you amazingly attractive, even in your current state".
Are you pregnant or fat?
wow i love your prada shoes,are they real?
"RELAX" - "You're just like your Mother" or "Please- just this once." !
1. You're so much like your mother... she just lays there too! 2. I got mine, now you get yours. 3. Has your ass always been that big? Just kidding, ladies.
Man. I really wish you had your sister's ass. That thing is SAWEEEEET!
Here are 10 1- Here's my charge card. 2- You look fine. 3- Yes you need to lose weight. 4- I don't agree with you. 5- You suck in bed. 6- Yes I'll marry you. 7- Will you marry me. 8- Don't do that. 9- You remind me of my ex. 10-I don't really like you I just use you for sex.
If you think I'm sleeping while you make hay,you are mistaken over there.
Never say, Your ugly and disgusting or You need to get on a diet you fat slob.
Could you watch this video and learn to do it like my ex did?
Can we have a threesome with your dad?
You need to hit the gym!
1. Are you pregnant? (to a woman who isn't) 2. You look fat 3. You're not as pretty as...
Shake it.
Walk up to her, sniff and say, "EWWW, that stink IS coming from you".
Strip naked.
Turn around.
I would never say "Yes, those pants DO make your butt look big". 9/21/23
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