• Yes, but it would take inhaling nothing but farts for a while.
  • I remember reading a story, though it may have just been an urban myth, about a poor man who lived in a on room bed-sit and because he was so poor he basically lived in cabbage, and he died in his sleep. At the autopsy they found he had been breaking wind all night and in his tiny room the methane had built up and killed him.
  • i guess they could almost everything CAN kill you
  • Mine can
  • Myth Busters did this one.... The answer:no. Myth Busted.
  • They say if you get a diahrrea while vomitting, you will die :)
  • +5. There have been three recorded cases of farts killing people. The first was in China in 1210 with the Emperor Chi Quang. He was in a parade where the soldiers were marching past the reviewing stand. Because he was a tyrant the men thought it would be funny to fart as they passed by the stand. Emperor Quang was a mean person and upon smelling the odor, he held his breath and held it so long he passed out and died. The second death was in Bulgaria. In 1487 there was a man who had such bad farts that the town would hire him to fart the execution. The prisoner would be bound hand and foot and be placed in bed with this man. At the assigned time the man would fart and pull the covers over the condemned mans head. Death followed quickly. The last death was in 1947 at a New York Dodgers baseball game. A Mister Frank Hamerstine was dressed in a hot dog suite. He farted when bases were loaded in the bottom of the 9th and the fumes overcame him. That is why many New Yorkers do not have beans on their franks today. And now you know, the rest of the story
  • +5. There have been three recorded cases of farts killing people. The first was in China in 1210 with the Emperor Chi Quang. He was in a parade where the soldiers were marching past the reviewing stand. Because he was a tyrant the men thought it would be funny to fart as they passed by the stand. Emperor Quang was a mean person and upon smelling the odor, he held his breath and held it so long he passed out and died. The second death was in Bulgaria. In 1487 there was a man who had such bad farts that the town would hire him to fart the execution. The prisoner would be bound hand and foot and be placed in bed with this man. At the assigned time the man would fart and pull the covers over the condemned mans head. Death followed quickly. The last death was in 1947 at a New York Dodgers baseball game. A Mister Frank Hamerstine was dressed in a hot dog suite. He farted when bases were loaded in the bottom of the 9th and the fumes overcame him. That is why many New Yorkers do not have beans on their franks today. And now you know, the rest of the story

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