Be the one asking for directions.
Shooting ducks? :)
Admit her Husband is right
Clean the toilet
the one who decides
Drive, without doing anything else yo...
the yearly gyno visits.
Be broke.
... rush into a store, grab only what you need, and get out, FAST ... .
Give up her shoes.
To pick up her man from the Nudie Bar 'cuz he had too much to drink !!!
I hate to iron...I would rather be beat with a stick! All my stuff goes to the cleaners. ;)
I don't mind doing dishes, cooking, or vacumning but I hate making beds!!
bear a mans children, and then deal with his mother!
leave old navy
pick up after a man. like his dirty clothes everywhere.
give oral sex
You're meeting the WRONG women...that's the BEST part of my day!!!
Get up throughout the day to get a coldone from the fridge - requested by a male. lol
Be quiet :P
accept that i will never be treated as an equal to men.
In my experience, it varies greatly with the woman.
Thanx for the opportunity to shout it out: I HATE TO PLUNGE!!! I HATE PLUNGERS AND CLOGGED SINKS SO MUCH, THAT I'M READY TO LEAD "WOMEN AGAINST PLUNGING" CAMPAIGN There. I got it off my chest... Phew, that feels good.
Once the clog is opened, put 4 heaping TBSP Baking Soda down the drain. Follow with Vinegar until it stops bubbling up, let sit 10 minutes, & follow with boiling water. Haven't had a reason to plunge in over a year!!! Do that about once a year & you might NEVER to look at a plunger again.Great for ALL sinks & the bathtub as well.. -
Linda Joy
Drain screens work well also. I lost 36" of long beautiful hair when I went through chemo and never had to plunge. They also keep the jewelry outa the drain.
Put worms on fish hooks; also, I've not met any that like to do the barbequing.
Actually, I have spoken with several who liked to give oral sex. But, the one thing that a woman hates to do is have to deal with her husband's ex-wife.
Tickle a mans prostate.
Changing a flat tire; taking the car for any kind of service; getting gas at the self-serve; keeping quiet when knowing a friend or relative is in an abusive relationship; losing ONE earring; walking down the street past oogling men; being called "honey, dear, sweetie or baby" by co-workers and complete strangers.
ah! "having to ask for it" ?
Putting down the toilet seat after a man.
Pump gas... I hate to pump gas +5
Admit it when she's wrong!!!!!
Teach a man what I want -> dump, next
If he can't figure it out, he's NOT worth keeping!!!
Car maintenance.
walk barefoot across a bed of needles while juggling chainsaws
Linda Joy
lol! I just hate when that happens!
Hearing someone lumping all women into one!!
My guess is that some women do not like to be stereotyped for just house cleaning and cooking. A woman is a human being with feelings the same as a man which should be taken into consideration. A man can be capable of cooking and house cleaning if he puts his mind to it as well as a woman. Nobody likes to be stereotyped.
Saying "bro" to a guy.
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