• Squats Stepper Climb up and Down Stairs.
  • You have more than one butt? Anyhow, dynamic tension is great for firming muscles. Try flexing the muscles at tightly as you can for as long as you can hold it. Do this every day. Works for the abs, too.
  • Squats are the best. Also stair-climbing. And if you like cd's, I use to do the Buns of Steel a lot and it worked really well except the guy on the cd was a bit annoying, LOL!
  • Try lunges, this will not only firm your butt it will also help with your running by strengthening your quads and giving flexibility in your hamstring. Make sure you take a good step forward and that your knees does not go pass your toe when lunging. This is not good form and will potentially damage the knee. If you go jogging on the treadmill, it is softened and so won't make you tense the glueus maximus (butt) as hard, which could be why they don't fel as firm.
  • Lunges are great for your glutes (butt) and will work your quads and hamstring as well, which will help with the running. Don't let your knee go past your toes when lunging or squating though. Running on a treadmill is softened and could explain why tou don't feel as firm, because the glutes don't need to tense as much as running on the road. Good Luck
  • Lunges are great for your glutes (butt) and will work your quads and hamstring as well, which will help with the running. Don't let your knee go past your toes when lunging or squating though. Running on a treadmill is softened and could explain why tou don't feel as firm, because the glutes don't need to tense as much as running on the road. Good Luck
  • Stair stepper.
  • Jogging makes you lose body mass. It is used to lose weight, not build muscle. Try biking or that hand and leg machine. Squats, power cleans, and snatches are good too.

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