I know that there isn't an inherent kindness in peoples. Everyone is evil.
An ability to kill if necessary, but a burning desire to not do so. A great sense of humor, and deep compassion. I am an empath.
I dont give a shit what anybody thinks.
I'm extremely open minded and nice.
My third nipple. Would you like to see it?
My ability to fly.
My incredible intelligence, wit, charm and seemingly unendless ability to say stupid stuff here at AB.
Because I am unique, unlike anyone else in the universe. As is everyone else. Everyone has their own personality and outside influences that make them individually different.
my passion and compassion
Honest, faithful, and loyal more than almost anybody . :) I don't kiss ass, not hypocritical, and won't lie unless to protect someone or something good.
In "most" people (BUT not all), really not much because being here, I have found that no matter where we are in the world, there seems to be more similarities than differences. Maybe I have a lot to learn. I don't know.
I am extremely clear minded on things in life. I have figured out a few key thins that keep others in fits. I have reconcilled seemingly polar opposite issues in such a way that makes them fit together beautifully. I am the best mother I have ever met.
My Social Security number and my DNA. ;)
I have a functioning brain.
I'm a ten percenter...maybe. You figure it out. :-) [I see some eleven answers...and not one point for the question! Guess THAT makes me different, too. +5]
I'm a deep thinker and notice the little things that some people don't. NE way everyone's different.
I can turn my belly-button inside out :0 And also my unique thoughts and world views and s***
I am very philosophical. I like to question things. Most people (that I have met) just follow like blind sheep.
I DONT get wasted and im almost 21 and DONT have a baby!
I don't give an F
I am the only one who has nothing that makes him different.
I'm unique--just like everybody else!
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