Grilled cheese sandwich with pickle relish:):)mmmmmmmm..but then again I am a vegetarian:):)
Pickled onions are nice
Olives, capers, pepperoncini, various other peppers.
Branston Sweet pickle I do not like pickled cucumber
pickled peaches are great!
A woman?
Eggs, vegetables.
I enjoy watermelon pickles, and my aunt used to make pickled beets that were pretty good too.
Just about everything. Eggs, califlower, brocoli, carrots, beef sticks, etc. Pickled food is great! ☺
Green Mangos and Capsicum.
Onions - the smallish ones - mind-blowing! Another good pick-me up is to pickle chillies and julienned carrots together in vinegar.
Carrots, onions and cauliflower.
pickled Onionss, pickled everything, if it's pickled and edible, I'll eat it.
Eggs, sausage, beets, okra, cauliflower, and cabbage (it's called sauerkraut).
Kimchee! After moving to Honolulu, beloved and I were introduced to many 'exotic' dishes that we had yet to try, even though he and I are global food fans. Kimchee is a pickled cabbage dish from Korea. It has a wonderful bite to it, probably from the red peppers traditionally found in it. If I'm not mistaken the cabbage is salted and weighed down for five weeks or more!! Recently -- honest to god -- I had a hamburger with kimchee on it. I thought I'd be 'wild' and try something really kooky. But, you know what? It was fabulous! Mmmmm, good.
Onions, beets, cauliflower, watermelon rind, eggs, all sorts of things :-)
when I was pregnant I craved pickled eggs but now I can't stand them. I do like pickled cockles & mussels
Eggs,green tomatoes,banana peppers,onions,are garlic olives pickled?
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