• How exactly do you study? Problems? If you are not passing even by reading your math book and doing problems, you should get a math tutor.
  • I'd say it's the way that Math is being taught to you that's leading you to be unsuccesful. Try getting a tutor and perhaps even try talking to your parents and asking them to come with you to speak to your class teacher as there's a chance your teacher isn't taking into consideration the different ways in which students learn. Not all of us respond to teachers writing up questions and other students answering them. Some of us need things put in words so that we can get an idea of what is going on. It's what I wish I'd done when I was in school.
  • As a former teacher, it is probably a mix of the teacher not conveying the information in the manner that your brain can process it and you might not know the best way for your brain to process math. With that and reading your comment about your parents not caring about your grades (you're not alone), I would say go to your local library and check out math DVDs or videos to help tutor you. Also, the publisher of your text book (most of them do) will have a companion website with problem and exercises that match exactly the chapters and sections of your book. This way you can get some extra help online (some even have online turors available) without bothering your folks. Good luck.
  • If you wanna brush up your math, here's the hardcore method my school uses, and it works most of the time. Do loads of questions. Solve extra problems. Get more excercise. I don't know if you have it but in my place, we can get revision books that provides you with extra questions and explanations. Good luck!
  • I am actually very good at math, but I always seem to barely get an A in math class. The thing about math tests is that just knowing the math is not enough. Where I lose the points is in not showing all the steps in my work, forgetting units, not answering ALL PARTS of the problem, and other things like that. Careless mistakes kill me even though I know what I'm doing. Maybe that's your problem too.
  • How do you do in reading and spelling? Find a subject you score well in. Find the success and see if you can apply it to your math grade. I always did better in a class when a teacher continually went over the material with us sharing our answers so he was sure we all had it before moving on.
  • Through highschool maths I always found that the only way I could get good marks, was to do everything. Every question/example/problem/reading you're given, do it. We were normally given about 5 revision sheets per term, and I always ensured that I had done, and could do every question on those sheets. It can be time consuming, but I garauntee you that if you just do lots of problems over and over you'll get there. A mistake I used ot make was to not do problems often enough. I'd do a big chunk, then nothing, then some more a week or so later. If you do some everyday it sticks. Also don't be afraid to ask for help, every time I was the slightest bit lost, I would ask a question, no matter how stupid. Your teachers are there to teach, so make them. See them before school/lunch breaks if you don't want to ask so many questions during the lesson :)
  • Hey i was failing math too but then i got a certufied tutor. It is expensive it is 120 dollars an hour and i do two hours so i dont know if you want something that expensive
  • I read the instructions, check my work and look to see if my answer is correct on the back. I ask help for my friend and student teacher. I didnt do good in the biggining of the semester. I had a full of corrections and failed test. After 2 or 3 months I got alot better! I began to see my pages shiny with correct marks. I failed math and now Im doing a bit better. Im usually 60% -70% I was the dumbest in class. Now to my improvement Im the second dumbest in class!

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