Yeah. Rinky Dink New York has a few;)
What are you talking about. There is not a single traffic light in the entire county that I live in.
Not really sure since I never looked at the signs in my town.
LOTS, and Lots and Lots and Lots aaaaannnndddddΒΏ "LOTS" Damn signs. :(
ROTFL..yep...4-way stop signs, 4-way blinkers, traffic circles...and the yokels can't navigate any of them! What a riot!
We had a speed bump. Once upon a time...
We are now an uptown rinky dink town. The highway that passes through has a light now. We are so big time. 1500 people, two four-way stops and now a light. Whoo Hoo
NYC - no, LI - yes
not a one in my town
Not one. Our town is so small that when someone is trying to find my home I tell them to look for the "now entering town" sign and honk. I will stand outside and tell them which way to turn. No joke intended. This is how I got people to the house for my daughters birthday party.
We actually do.....Just one intersection does.
When I first migrated to New Zealand many years ago, I lived near the top of the North island. The nearest set of traffic lights was just over 65 kilometers away in a town called Whangarai. For almost two years I had never managed to stop at a red traffic light. In fact if you were to drive from Auckland to down South for about six hours, the first set of traffic signals you would find was at a town called Levin. The sheer volume of traffic was beyond belief. If four cars were seen down the high street it was said to be "A very busy day indeed!" and the locals would chatter endlessly about it. Coming back to the UK last year was a shock but my recent visit to Rome stunned me into silence because cars would fly around almost anywhere in any direction..
Boston has a few.
If I were to guess, I would sat we have about 150.
Many here in our town of 34,000 people. We also have several one way streets in the downtown area. They are very confusing and it's not uncommon to be driving down one of them and see someone coming right at you ... the wrong way ... AND giving YOU the finger!! Sheesh.
Las Vegas Nevada we have a few.
whats a NO 4-Way Stop Sign?... you americans are crackers sometimes...and you drive on the wrong side of the road ..:O)
I know we have two plain Stop signs, maybe a third one down by the post office but I'm not sure. Most things are yields. New York state does the yield thing a lot!
My Rinky Dink town has one right in the middle of town.
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