No and no. Well, I might have kissed my mom once in the past year and I've never kissed my dad while I was an adult.
yeah i 16, and i really dont care what anyone thinks, my friends dont take the mick and even if they did, i wouldnt care. They all think my mums cool anyway haha...i think thats more embarasing!! So yeah, i do still kiss them, and i always will :) At least i think i will :p Do you?
When my mom was alive I used to give her a hug and kiss her on the cheek all the time. As for my dad every once in awhile we will hug, but not very often...
Neither one are still alive, so that'd be pretty hard to do even if I wanted to.
I do. I also give them hugs and tell them I love them. My parents are great!
No, a hug generally does the trick.
yes,even through the phone
Hug and kiss Mom. I wouldn't want to kiss Dad.
I always kiss my mom. I have never kissed my dad. Ever. Maybe as a baby but I don't remember. A hug or handshake only. He would think it odd if I kissed him. Old fashioned. Just his way.
No but I do go and place flowers on their finally resting place and chat with them a while a couple times a year.
I shake my dads hand and hug him, Mom gets the hug and kiss.
My mom is gone now, but I kiss my dad and tell him I love him all the time.
My mom is gone now...but I kiss my dad all the time and tell him I love him.
Sure do......I have great parents.
Well, my dad passed away just over 18 years ago, but I still hug and occasionally kiss my mom all of the time.
++ Yes I do. They are in Maine, I'm in Connecticut, I don't see them very often. Even if I did, I would still hug and kiss them (and still say "bye love you" when ending a call) LOL
I wish I could, to have parents that love you so much is your first ever gift in life and never to be taken for granted
I would if they were still alive, but there not!
No, i don't.
No, i don't.
Yes I do as soon as we meet and when I am going home, if I sleep over at their place I will kiss them goodnight :)
Yes, I love them
I kiss my dads picture every once in awhile.:)
My Dad when He was Here,,My Mom and My Stepmom and Hugs ;)
Only my mother. My dad is dead. Would I still kiss him if he were still alive? IDK, but probably not.
I would if they were still alive. I kiss member/friend/whomever. The only one I kiss on the lips, of course, is Jim. :)
I did both when they were alive, we were a very loving family, now its only in my dreams, I only have my mother-in-law so I give her a kiss on the cheek often and lots of hugs. My kids both still kiss & Hug both hubby & I and they are 29 & 31
No can do, Spicy.
YES! On the cheek of course. I also give them hugs and tell them I love them on a daily basis! They took care of me and raised me right! I owe them the world!
Yes, every time we meet.
I still kiss my dear ole mum.: )
on occasions i do... but Im not very close to them do..
yes now that i am older it is easier to get along with them...+5.
Ewwww. No way!!
Yes, every time I see them.
No, they are gone.
Yes, I do. Carried that attitude till now. Dad often feels unappreciated even if one shows those signs of care and concern for him.
No, I stopped kissing them since back in my teenager days.
Can't they are both dead and buried.
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