• I have to admit, I cheated. LOL ++
  • INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!!! ):O
  • 1) "up up down down left right left right b a start 325 up, 40 down The code for Ninendo's Contra to get 9 lives The only way to beat Contra is to use the "up up down down left right left right B A start" code" Source and further information: 2) "If you’re a gamer and haven’t heard of this famous button sequence, you likely fall into one of two categories: one, you’ve got a problem with lying, or two, you’ve got some sort of amnesia going on… and you might want to get that checked out. Or maybe you’re just really good at Contra. First executed on an NES game (not Contra!) developed by Konami in 1986, the Konami code (and slight variances of it) can now be inputted in more than 125 different computer, video, and arcade games—some of which aren’t even developed by Konami, the company that created the code in the first place! At first the Konami code was strictly used to grant your character something very beneficial, such as weapon power-ups or a boatload of extra lives, but over time, the special button configuration has served other purposes, like providing humorous easter eggs that could only be discovered by inputting the Up-Up-Down-Down at certain times in the game. And it may or may not leave your character in nothing but his underwear. What!? The code has even reached pop culture, appearing in comics, TV shows, music, tattoos and more. Game Informer attempts to recognize the Konami code and discover its origins. Who made it? Why was it made? What are the coolest uses of the code? How popular has it become? And for the love of 30 lives, if the code wasn’t first seen in Contra, what game used it first? Because Contra was one of the more popular NES titles in the day and basically required the Konami code for the average player to complete (the code granted 30 lives from the start, instead of three), most people associate the code’s existence with it. In reality though, the Konami code first appeared in Gradius in 1986, two years before Contra." Source and further information:
  • erh.. it's famous cheat code combo for one or more games.. I'm not quite sure, I've never played console games
  • It sound like a call sequence for line dancing (but I dont get the 'B A' part).

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