• "Pulp Fiction". I thought the colorful language was more descriptive than it needed to be. It shows Tarantino's progression as a writer and his potential. "Reservoir Dogs" will always be a classic, but the idea came from a Walter Matthau movie named "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three" 1974 Favorite scene in "Reservoir Dogs" Michael Madsen dancing to the song by Stealer's Wheel "Stuck in The Middle With You" Well I don't know why I came here tonight, I got the feeling that something ain't right, I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you. Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you, And I'm wondering what it is I should do, It's so hard to keep this smile from my face, Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with you. Well you started out with nothing, And you're proud that you're a self made man, And your friends, they all come crawlin, Slap you on the back and say, Please.... Please..... Trying to make some sense of it all, But I can see that it makes no sense at all, Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor, 'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with you. Well you started out with nothing, And you're proud that you're a self made man, And your friends, they all come crawlin, Slap you on the back and say, Please.... Please..... Well I don't know why I came here tonight, I got the feeling that something ain't right, I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you, Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you, Stuck in the middle with you.
  • I would consider neither as art. What is so good about violence driven films? It is only the violence that makes people watch these films, and they are devoid of a story line without the violence.
  • Oh wah. Go start a protest or something! Anyway, I think Pulp Fiction myself. I just love the part where John Travolta shoots that kid in the backseat of the car and he tells Samuel Jackson, "You must've hit a bump or something." I couldn't stop laughing.
  • I prefer Pulp Fiction, but they are both good flicks. In fact, I love Pulp Fiction and have probably seen it a hundred times. I know what scene is NOT my favorite, which is Christopher Walken's, but I'm not sure which I like best. There are so many... Stab her three times? Say 'what' again, motherfuc|<er? I shot Marvin in the face? How can you decide between them?
  • I'd say Reservoir Dogs because it is more theatrical in its minimalism. There is more left to the imagination, and I like that. Also, it's got a great cast of totally obnoxious, self serving, opportunistic characters whose selfishness is an art form unto itself! LOL
  • Reservoir Dogs was a better work of art, but my favorite seen was from Pulp Fiction. The last seen, in the restaraunt with with Samuel L. Jackson and Tim Roth at the table in the diner.
  • I found Reservoir Dogs to be slighty more believable(hahaha) and Pulp Fiction has John Travolta. As for a favorite scene..I don't know.
  • Pulp Fiction, and I love the part near the beginning when Jules is going on about that misquoted scripture in the apartment. You know, the Big Kahuna Burger... It's AWESOME. :D
  • In Pulp Fiction: You mind if I try that? Because I'd like to know what a 5 dollar shake tastes like.
  • Reservoir Dogs. when Michael Madsen cuts the cop's ear off.
  • Reservoir Dogs,the very end was worth the whole movie.
  • How can you pick between them! Both are masterpieces! Pulp Fiction has better dialog and flow (& is the only movie with Travolta I can stomach. He was good in it!) but Dogs tells a tighter story. Taratino simply rules!

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