Little Miss Dangerous, Yes I would enter, but I wouldnt win, LOL.
I will enter if I can wear my hot pink bikini and only if I can use my glitter hula hoop:):)
not only would I enter but I'd stand on Top of Icemans Semi and hula hoop nekkid...........
I am a really good hula hooper!! I will go up against any of y'all!!!
Oh hell yeah, I can still swing that butt around. ")
I'd only win if I could go braless because I'd knock out the competition;)
I will enter with my banana scented hula hoop but will need some practice to be in with a chance, i think JuJu could win! ;0)
I could only answer that question fairly if I knew everyone on AB and I don't. Would I enter? You betcha..I'd be the comic relief. Me..non-athletic, non-coordinated, 71-year-old RosieG! I'd love it! :)
I am an excellent hula hooper and have won many contests. I like glitter hoops and could you please provide something to drink to quench my thirst. Hula hooping is thirsty work!!! BTW, when is the competition??
I kick ASS at Hula Hooping. I'm in!
I have a sparkly hula hoop that has bits in it so it makes a rattly noise when you hula. hell yes - I would give it a go.
Up oh we now have a competition as I hula hoop daily as exercise and think I can gived others a run for their money. This 56 year still has it when it comes to exercise.
Hey I could hold my own! I used to be able to do all the fancy stuff with them! I'd also like Helen of Toys and Carbon Product to enter! I think they could tear up the place!
Yes i wud join it and SPICY would win it!
It would definitely be a female. And yes I would enter.
Ice man
It's too bad that all the comment threads are lost. This Q had a ton of funny stuff attached to it. : )
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