You, you hot epitome of Guatemaleness you;)
Little Miss Dangerous - she is a hottie.
some tall guy at the mall.
The girl I'm dating. Which worked out nicely because she was right there and....You know. =P
the lord of the rings... hehe not that one... this one is a bit different from good old Frodo!
My ambulance driver the other day was so beautiful.
A cute nurse at the hospital.
Chief Wanbli - I recommend to all.
My b/f - he's dead sexy
My gf everyday.
The FIreman who lives down the street.
My husband, he's got a nice bum :]
My hubby.... he's the only one I want to "check out"
Random women at the supermarket.
The UPS man
You....really and I didn't even know you asked this Q.
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