Are you drinking beer, liquor or wine?:)
start drinking earlier in the day. LOL!!
Try vodka and redbull. Doesn't taste bad at all and it keeps me going if I plant to party all night :).
Wine makes me sleepy too. Try brandy.
Don't drink on an empty stomach seriously it helps.
Just mix some laxatives with your drinks. then you'll need to stay awake, it will also focus your attention a heap as well..
I would say stick to coffee drinks, but I have found that when a you give a drunk person coffee, you get a drunk who thinks he is wide awake... bad combo. Perhaps you need to eat a bite before consuming?
The higher the alcohol content, the quicker the buzz sets in.
THe higher the alcohol content, the quicker the buzz sets in.
Try Red Bull and vodka, one after the other.
I would say Irish Coffee... or the Redbull idea that the others suggested... It does the same thing to me...ZZZZZ I am a light weight... If you find a cure make sure you let me know.....
Also drink water in between a few drinks, it refreshes you and you won't have such a horrible hangover. It also helps to eat before you drink.
Well, I had the same problem a while back, and I found the only solution for me was to take a month off from alcohol altogether. After that, it was good fun again. Also, you could try working out before you go drinking. I've noticed I get a great buzz that way.
Try something with Red Bull in it. The Red Bull keeps you awake and the booze should get you drunk. Or just drink that great beer you have up there in Canada.
Before you start to drink have some food containing carbohydrates and after finishing your drinks have some water ,and before you start drinking there is another advise have B-complex before you drink and middle of the drinks have one more B -complex and after finishing have last B-complex.
5-18-2017 The only tip I have to offer is that if you stay awake until you are sober, you won't have a hangover when you wake up. Yeah, that's no fun at all. That's why I stopped drinking. That and nobody wanted to pay for my drinks any more. I refuse to spend my own money on something that only makes me stupid.
Make sure you're well hydrated and don't have an empty stomach. Also, if you're already tired it's going to make you feel more tired.
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