don't pimp slap stupid people. go easy on the coke, drug and drink.
never go with a friends mother,sister or girlfriend past or present
Yes ... A person may be better than their reputation, but never better than their own morals & ethics.
I keep my word. I don't give it often, but when I do, I keep it.
I don't have a list, but I often follow certain rules.
Yes It goes something like; I won't be wronged - I won't be insulted - I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them. The older I get the better I get at sticking to it.
Army Veteran
Plagiarism doesn't seem to be a part of your ethics, does it?
Yes, and it's far more rigid than the one I hold for others. No noe is as hard on me as I am on myself.
yes, no lying,stealing(as in theft or not paying debts),bearing false witness against anyone,murdering,honoring and respecting mother and father and all elders, coveting of others(life,spouse, or possessions).......:)justme
Other than don't steal and stuff like that, I try to not act like an *sshole unless that's warranted. And if its warranted, I try to not act too *ssholish. Like, I don't use ethnic/ racial/ etc. slurs, including if they're used on me; if I'm going to insult someone, I'll do it based on something they've done, not something they are. I try to not swear around people who don't like it and call people what they like to be called (race, name, etc.). I try to be polite to those who are polite to me (not vent on people when I've had a crap day) and restrain my spleen venting when they are not.
One rule that has helped me: To never make a major long term decision in the heat of the moment. Revisit the situation once calm and clear thinking.
To not drink or take mind-altering substances when I'm down or troubled.
yes, i try to do the right thing
���I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” - John Wayne
Army Veteran
At least you cited the source of your quote - not everyone has the ethics to do so. LOL
Yes, it can be found at Matthew 22: 36-40 in the KJV of the Bible.
Matthew 22:37-39, love God & love your neighbor as yourself.
not really
Yah, do onto others as they do onto you, unless they are douchbags, in which case be the better person.
Archie Bunker
Better person as in, get them before they get you?
Yes my parents are very ethical and that passed down to me. Now my morals, that's a different subject
Army Veteran
You're funny. "Ethics" and "morals" are synonymous.
I have a line I won't cross.
Yes I do. I have a certain level of self respect that I try to maintain that doesn't allow me to do many of the things society seems to think is alright.
Honesty, integrity, and doing what's right - even if it means crossing lines that others dare not come close to.
To never do anything against my integrity. Specifically not to back on my word, be honest yet tactful if needed and be dependable, trustworthy.
i sure do
There is a "line" I won't cross.
There is a line I won't cross.
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