I believe we've had a few, they just haven't been open about it.
It could happened within the next twenty to thirty years. The number of atheists has been increasing in the last decade. It's only a matter of time.
Late 2000s, like 2080-ish. A sad fact, so much for a progressive country, right?
I don't see it happening for a looong time. The fear of God and superstition is much more powerful than science to the weak-minded populace.
Everyone says this country was founded on christen principles. I found this and shows what our forefathers actually thought. You can't believe many of these so called christen presidents do what's right
An openly atheist president? Decades. A recent Gallup Poll showed that only 45% of Americans would even consider voting for an atheist, fewer than would vote for any other minority group including gays and Muslims, making it all but impossible for an atheist to win a national election. It's sad that religion has a stranglehold on the government of the United States. The wall of separation between church and state must be rebuilt.
I'm concerned with political points of view.
As .avallach posts, I'm sure we've had several (if not most) atheist presidents in the U.S. I believe that most educated folks in the western world are atheist but don't mention it publicly, esp. if they're running for some office or applying for a job. It's not helpful to emphasize on your résumé that you're an atheist. Christians have very little tolerance for non-Christian attitudes. They even boast about it.
prob a long time- maybe twenty years minimum maybe even 50-80, the bullshit of the land is too strong now- but it could change. i hope it does.
if it a black man president....nothing is impsibble.
We got one now did you see his Church I am thinking he is the anti-christ or to be without God.
I think we have had a few, they just wern't open about it. It will likely be 50 years before we get a OPENLY atheist question.
I think it will be a long time. There are too many "god"-fearing people in this county. I hope it happens soon.....
An out of the closet one? Far FAR too long.
when pigs fly!
well, it took a while for the 1st Catholic Pres., then the 1st Black/White Pres., nah, its gonna be a while, 1st woman is next, i think, and America is not that FAR from GOD ,YET....but it's comin..just be patient....just me..:)
I would say as long as it will be more rational for both electors and elected representatives not to be openly atheist. Within the US, religions are the true cement of communities. And communities are the basic components of the US society, like stones, concrete and bricks for houses. How could atheism be something useful for communities ? Communities need to believe in themselves. Let them call their self-esteem the way they choose. In the States, God is the other name of liberty. This is very American and I think even a secularist like me can like it. It is very different from many other countries when religion means acceptation of the unacceptable. The question but remains about how to make clear that an atheist is not necessarily a bad guy, an atheist can even be a very good guy much more committed to his fellows than the average man. I can admit for now this is to prove through tangible facts and achievements. Why not ? It is easier to believe in God than in His achievements. Let's make people see it can be easier to believe in secularist achievements than in atheism.
Thanks for your comment. The way I see it is that the idea of a more mature people, i.e. a people with a higher rationality or mind, sounds to me a bit, let's say, inapropriate. You know, I'm a secularist and I am an atheist too in the sense I don't believe God created man but men created gods according to their needs and ways of life. But, to my mind, there is no need thinking atheism is a more mature point of view. The ex URSS was officially atheist. In Europe, lots of people are atheists. But it doesn't mean these people are more mature. In a way, the ball is in the atheist camp. They, or we, have to convince that a belief in a God is not necessary to make a good guy, a good community and a fit-to-live-in society. Believing in manhood provides enough, and sometimes more commitment to peace and wellfare. But speaking in such terms as maturity, you take the risk of appearing offensive and therefore you get rejected and no more discussion will be possible. You are then definitely seen as a threat and such a perception is enough to postpone day after day the moment when atheism could be accepted. Thank you for giving to me the opportunity to try to express my opinion on such a matter. Regarding God (or god) as liberty, I would say what strucks me about religion in the States is the huge importance of the freedom of thinking. And religious practices as well as belief show everybody, everywhere, at everytime the freedom to think what we want is a reality in the States and not only an abstract word on a paper. This is very important. Being an atheist in the US therefore may appear like a threat for freedom. It is certainly not true but we have to take this in account. I would like as to end this answer, by quoting a liberal sociologist. According to him, we don't need to believe because we value the truth. We need to believe because we all need simple answers to complex questions. In a word, belief may be more a matter of utility than a matter of truth. I would like to add it's not actually a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of common sense, that sort of common sens which is absolutely necessary to allow a common peaceful together living. It has perhaps more to do with wisdom than with a lack of maturity. Thanks again. It was really interesting to me me to put some words on my feelings, in a tongue which isn't my mother tongue, but a tongue I like very much.
When the U.S. citezens (which is predominantly Christian) stops worrying about every president that just seems "too good to be true," then claim that the end of the world is close, which has been spoken of for thousands of years.
We have one now.He is just lieng.
A few more centuries lol. That poison known as religion has just had too much of an impact in the world.
You wrote : "I don't see how someone exercising his right to freedom from religion is a threat to liberty". Put this way I do totally agree with you. The point I wanted to stress was however different. To my mind, atheists can now make things better by being in the same time as less as offensive to people as possible and as more as assertive and self-confident as possible. You may be right by thinking time will be necessary to people to get used to liberty from religion. But you may be wrong too because time can bring events which would jeopardize any progress. So my personal choice is to gently express but as often and clearly as I can than atheism has nothing to do with extremism or amorality.
Not until an atheist leader commits to not remove "In God We Trust" from money, the "One Nation Under God" from the pledge of allegiance, and convinces people that their freedom of religion would not in any way be curtailed, discouraged, or disparaged. I don't see that happening for a looooong time.
quite a while we're still very puritannical and very fundamentalist in many ways
5-12-2017 For most of the nation's history, belief was not an issue. Only public morality mattered.
You think Richard Nixon was Christian? You think Bill Clinton was dumb enough? I dont even think FDR was religious. They just all have to SAY they are.
As soon as the believers stop throwing freaking hissy fits about it.
Thomas Jefferson the third POTUS was an atheist, as his writings and actions demonstrate. There have surely been others who did not admit it.
Linda Joy
He was not! "Jefferson believed in the existence of a Supreme Being who was the creator and sustainer of the universe and the ultimate ground of being, but this was not the triune deity of orthodox Christianity. He also rejected the idea of the divinity of Christ, but as he wrote to William Short on October 31, 1819, he was convinced that the fragmentary teachings of Jesus constituted the "outlines of a system of the most sublime morality which has ever fallen from the lips of man." -
He was known to be an atheist, and his writings and actions prove he was one. He was a Deist who became an atheist, as many Deists do. He said in a letter than he agreed God does not exist. He forbid the Biible to be taught in public schools. He and the majority rejected a motion to mention Jesus in the Declaration of Independence. -
Linda Joy
So you're just going to dismiss his writing I referenced as proof, and the clarification, restate your incorrect OPINION with no references at all as proof and assume people will believe you? HAHAHAHAHA! -
You are just going to dismiss the evidence I present. That is hat a brainwashed zombie does. You are comical Jenny-Linda! Ha ha nha ha!
There have already been some. Thomas Jefferson was known to be an atheist.
Linda Joy
You're wrong Reisan! -
Jenny-Rizzo, can't you read? I'm Venus 1485, not ReiSan (you can't even get her name right). Thomas Jefferson's writings and actions show he was an atheist. -
In a surviving letter to his nephew, he advised the youth to read the Bible critically as he would any other book, and he would surely realize God doesn't exist. He said he's agree with that conclusion. That is certainly admission of being an atheist. He for bid the Bible to be taught in public schools. He voted against mentioning Jesus in the Declaration of Independence. He agreed with the Treaty of Tripoli that stated the US government was not based in any sense upon Christianity. You're wrong to claim he wasn't an atheist. You read only rubbish that enforces your na?ve biases. Christians have been lying since this religion was invented.
probably not long
It does not matter... because at Armageddon, all the present world governments will be eliminated...None have Jehovah's approval...that is why Jehovah has ' crowned' his son, Jesus, to be the leader of his NEW heaven and worldwide... *** Bible Citations *** (Revelation 20:10) And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. World governments, whoever they are at the time of Armageddon, are " the wild beast"...They are organisations. The " false prophet" is ALL religions not being obedient to what Jesus taught...preaching and teaching the
Good News of the Kingdom....Matthew 24:14. But in all this, individuals can change their ways and their loyalties, and support Jesus instead...and then they hav the chance to be saved.
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