• I totally know where you're coming from with this. And i 100% agree that it is very immature. I wish i knew why they do that but I guess they keep talking because of all those things, they are controlling, ignorant, and need to have the last word. Those people get on my nerves!
  • Yeah, I understand that. Some people are seriously bugged out and they will do anything for attention.
  • The best way to deal with things like that is to unsubscribe. If, for whatever reason, I do not want to unsubscribe I just let the person have the last word. It does not matter to me. If someone is attacking you in a comment thread, report it to a CL or report it via the feedback link.
  • I give as I get. I saw your link you posted and saw YOUR comments. I think you were very rude, yourself. Much more so than anyone else. If you don't want people to show you disrespect, you need to stop disrespecting THEM. You show your own immaturity with your comments. ("excuse me but if i wanted to debate the way i feed my dog i would have asked the f*ing question myself.") ("i said I THINK IT IS THE BEST, my OPINION. what the fuck is your problem? you are the one that has issues you don't even know how to treat a woman. grow the fuck up. i dont cry over shit so stop harrassing me or i'm going to report you. i asked you to stop commenting me 3 times now. and let me guess, you are so controlling you are going to comment me again, right. i'll just sit here and wait for it, asshole.") What was to stop YOU from walking away? Simply your OWN need to have the last word, your own immaturity, and your own arrogance. If it bothers you to be treated that way, walk away and unsubscribe. Otherwise, you get what you ask for. YOU were ruder, more arrogant, and more immature than anyone there.

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