• It's called the Sphinx. The body of a lion, and the head of a human. Not a cat... unless you're thinking of something different.
  • There are two related cat goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon, but I don't think either of them are ever depicted with wings: ---Bastet or Bast, the goddess of the gentle morning sun and of a happy, contented household, usually depicted as a domestic cat ---Sekhmet, the goddess of the deadly midday sun and of war, usually depicted as a lioness These two links are interesting, but not quite what you're looking for, I'm afraid: The Winged Cat: A Tale of Ancient Egypt (kids' fairy tale) Winged Cats (encyclopedia article about deformed cats) Maybe a little closer, but I'm not sure how authentic it is, and the wings are inscribed on the forehead and ears, not attached in 3-D at the shoulders: Winged Bast (see second illustration, cat head statue) And here are more than a dozen images of winged-cat gargoyles, but all of these are modern fantasies and not depictions of ancient deities: Winged Cat Gargoyles Via Google
  • Not a gryphon?... It doesn't have anything to do with volcanoes by chance?
  • Lammasu are Mesopotamian legendary creatures which have the head of a human, body of a lion, and the wings of an eagle. The winged lion of St. Mark is also well-known (especially in Venice).
  • "AntigoneRising" ? ;)
  • Its like a griffen isnt it? :-) maybe a spinx w wings
  • Someone once told me that the name of a winged cat in norse mythology was kitka (not sure if it was spelled exactly that way) but i have not found much about that in searching (and i think that was specifically winged cats). I also know there was a winged cat being called a tressym (sp?) in some kind of d&d type game (forgotten realms?). But as far as what you are describing, a cat head and other body of different things, i did find this one reference to a thing with bat wings, a cat head, and a human torso. I found on this webpage: in the section titled Winged Cats throughout the ages. But they don't specifically name it.
  • Isn't it something like a Festral or some word like that?
  • Freyja
  • You don't, by any chance, mean hippogriff?

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