• Cancer Research
  • Locks of Love, people donating there hair to a company that makes wigs for children that have lost there hair to cancer, very sweet!
  • MΓ©decins Sans FrontiΓ¨res (Doctors without borders)
  • National Animal Welfare Trust cares for the unwanted animals in the United States.
  • Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, Florida - they take in unwanted and abused cats (tigers, lions, cougars, leopards, ocelots, fishing cats, etc). The cats get amazing natural enclosures with trees and grass and water - so much better than concrete. If they can't be returned to the wild, it's certainly a more comfortable option. As a note though, they also to rehab and return animals to the wild if they can. Definitely worth a tour if you are ever in the area. Good hearted people with true love of cats.
  • Right now it is my church, because it's the only place I know where I can designate where my money goes, and have 100% of the money get there. I also love the Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas, because I personally know 2 children who had life saving surgery there, when their families had no insurance and no money.
  • St. Jude's Childrens Hospital, amazing the caring relationship with the patients. The Red Cross is also good, but their help is often very limited.
  • Child Abuse Prevention, Animal Rescue and Alzheimer's research.
  • The Make a Wish Foundation.... :D
  • There are many great charities, some of which are mentioned here, such as Medicins Sans Frontieres. I did not know about Locks of Hair: what a wonderful way that everyone could contribute. The main point is to choose a good one and support it to the best of your ability. Perhaps even two would be good-one overseas, and one local. With regards to the animal charities: it would be wise to support one human and one animal. Without improving the lot of poor humans, wildlife will be affected adversely. I contribute to my church, and support orphanages in Bali. As well, I give one offs to other good causes, such as International Friends of Compassion who were first on the ground in Aceh, and have a wealth of experience with displaced and distressed people. One thing you have to be careful of is overextension. There are, as I have said, so many good causes, and it breaks my heart to have to say no to some when they ring me or stop me in shopping centres, but I have learnt to say to them "I know what you do and I pray that you will find people to support you today, but I am already committed to a similar cause named...." The spokesperson is often very interested to learn what you have chosen to support. My maxim is: I cannot change the world, but I can make a difference in a small part of it. Cheers
  • G'day CoachMJ, Thank you for your question. It is the Muscular Dystrophy Association as I have two young nephews with muscular dystrophy. Regards
  • SPCA...I donate to animals and my hubby donates to the veterans...
  • me, myself and i
  • The one that doesn't call me for a donation one week after I already gave to them...I hate that. Can't they wait more than a week before asking me again?
  • Cancer Research Childline
  • There are 2 that I frequently donate to. My local foodbank, and my local humane society.
  • Africa, we have it good enough in america. Give to the people that have nothing.
  • Local Humane Society, and our Christmas Family Fundraisers.
  • The local SPCA.
  • My church, then food bank and Goodwill and my alma matar. The amounts decend rapidly as you go down theis list.
  • Children's Defense Fund, Washington D.C.
  • St. Jude's Children's Hospital. The Humane Society/ASPCA. My local food bank.
  • Make a Wish foundation. Pamela Glenconner: Bitter are the tears of a child: Sweeten them. Deep are the thoughts of a child: Quiet them. Sharp is the grief of a child: Take it from him. Soft is the heart of a child: Do not harden it.
  • I go here every day. Everyone can donate a click and it's entirely free.
  • Ronald McDonald House. The Owner/Operators of McDonald's Restaurants through customer donations and their own donations build these houses around the country, located near a Children's Hospital. The one with which I am familiar is in Loma Linda, California. My ex-bosses were instrumental in having that built. Families can stay free of charge (if they cannot afford to pay) and be near their children..usually cancer patients. It is a wonderful charity! :)
  • Feed the Hungry.
  • World vision
  • Kiva Microfunds and other Microcredit organizations are among the most effective at affecting real world benefits, in my opinion.
  • Guide Dogs For The Blind
  • World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
  • American Cancer Society.
  • Children's hospital!
  • Charity:Water works on getting clean water to those who need it...I help sponser them through
  • Right now, animals, more places are shutting down because less people are giving for animals, that's what the news said anyway. The homeless and children's hospitals get money year round through fund raising and by celebrities alot (especailly the children's hospitals) My parents and their friends adopt more dogs than they can really handle but its better that then getting put in a place that will put them down for being a pitbull mix or rottwieler mix (around here), they are a bit aggressive at times but they were horribly abused so they just have to work with them to make them understand that they don't need to fear and lash out :)
  • Raising Malawi. RIPPLE Africa- helping young Malawians. Build A School- Builind schools in Malawi. Hope Africa- Malawi Branch
  • World Wildlife Fund Animal Liberation Front World Society for the Protection of Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
  • EJAF (The Elton John Aids Foundation)
  • The Wounded Warrior Project. Never forget your veterans.
  • The share a dream foundation
  • The biggest on my list has always been any organizations that are helping the homeless..Every year so many of these "throw away" people starve, become victims of crime, and even freeze to death on the streets in this great country of ours.. It shouldnt happen, the govt doesnt care about them..somebody should. Remember, that homeless person you may look down on..was someones child once upon a time ;)
  • Yes, Disabled American Veterans.
  • Friends of Man in Denver,Colorado. They only send you requests for money twice a year and 100% of your donations goes to help people- everyone there is a volunteer and they get their printing etc donated. They don't send me calendars or stuffed animals I don't want- so every penny of my money goes to help someone. They have been around awhile and help people in any kind of way from small like a new outfit to go to a job interview to big like a wheelchair .

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