I would say I hope you live in a place with public transportation.
I would say you were just like a friend of mine back in CA who still hasn't learned to drive and she is 49 years old. I didn't learn to drive until I was in my early 30s (now I'm 53) so I understand either not needing to or not wanting to. And there is at least 2 here on AB, that are older than I am who haven't learned how to drive either.
Nothing, My mother was 51 when she got her license.
You evidently never felt compelled to learn to drive.
I'm gonna end up like you.
Same thing I always say: "Damn politicians!".
I'd say "You're me in just a few short years."
I would say learn! Its fun, but do it out of the city! LOL! Make sure its a nice day and borrow a convertible with good insurance!
Better late than never, if it is needed. My mon got her license at age 58.
Never to late, my step-mum learnt at that age!;0)
You should try it, you'll love it.
something along the lines of "ok"
I would ask why?
My mother didn't learn until age 59. Her whole world opened up.
Go learn!
I would say..there is no time like the present to learn. It feels great to independant.
I would say....
Why not try hey? its never too late..
You need to do that. It gives you freedom and it is enjoyable once you get the hang of it.
It's not too late to learn.
It is not uncommon. I know someone who got their license at 40 years old. They do not know how they ever lived without it. Come on you can do it.
My mom's 80 and never learned
you should go out and get that done, there's so much more you could do and see.
nothind, I have two man at work who are over fifties and never drove...there is nothing wrong with that after all..less headaches on the road
I'd say:"I'll teach you, I'm very patient. I taught my ten year old labrador to drive and now he races at NASCAR. Look out for the red #21 Alpo Car". But you gotta pay, heheh.
My best friend's gramma was 98 and she never ever learned to drive. I would say thats why she lived so long lol She walked every where! It probably saved her lots of money not having to pay for gas or car payments. lol So I would tell you thats great!
Wanna a ride?
Good For YOU ! I hate driving ! I realize it gives me more Independence etc ... BUT; I'd just as soon wait and have someone drive me than get behind the wheel and try to manuver with all the screwballs on the road ...
At least you have no license to prove you can't drive, some prove it with their car.
I'd say that my grandmother just turned 89 and doesn't know how to drive. What of it?
Hi, I am 47 too and started learning to drive earlier this year (no choice, my husband had a seizure) after a lifetime of fear. I felt sick the first time I got behind the wheel, rigid with terror the first time driving in traffic. But now I like it! Except for driving in heavy traffic and switching lanes and dealing with otehrs' irritation. The best thing about driving is going to be having the independence to go where I need and want to. If I can start doing this, I honestly believe anyone can. Please do it!! Dawnwing
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