Being boss!! :DD
Another cat?
Being scritched between the ears and all around the head and neck, especially the throat and along the sides of the lower jaw. A lady who used to care for injured wild birds told me, "To make a friend of a critter, find places they can't scratch, and scratch them there."
Having something to watch that moves, especially a nice bug or a bird or squirrel. Squirrels twitch their tails, which fascinates cats. Mine sits on the windowsill and "talks" at the squirrel or bird.
laser pointers. they actually have this lil gadget(i think at radio shack) that you can set up and it has a laser on it and it moves it around automatically. Just don't use em too much, my friend had one and left it on overnight for the cat thinking it would just play with it when it wanted... we he woke up his cat was exhausted and cross-eyed. I think it's more fun to play with them with it yourself with a hand-held laser pointer. Oh yea,and CATNIP!
Male cats like female cats?
ear wax
A cat likes her cream..
DEAD dogs!
Mine likes bats, rats, squirrels, birds, mice. You name it he can catch it. He loves to play. I know some might think it is a little cruel what he does with them but that is the beast in him.
Scratchy or high pitched sounds. That always gets their attention.
A nice sunny patch of ground to bask in.
Cuddles :)
Catnip and a little ball made of aluminum foil.
Catnaps in the sunshine
how about (yarn) for them to play with "}
Anything that's designed for scratching. lol
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