• Wait, relax. It will all be okay. Remember, he wants to re-distribute wealth. Not his own, of course...but can you blame him?
  • well, the poor are getting the leftovers
  • Do you honestly, have any sort of reasoning capability or anything like that? Your questions and assertions are beyond retarded
  • its a question that has come up more and more. I think this is every bit as important as the olympics and I am sure it costs a lot to put it on. You have to have all the services~police, fire, ambulance,porta potties etc... its a big deal when its this big. The money could go to the hungry, I could skip pizza one week and give too. If everyone gave a little there would be no more hunger. Are we just as bad as a whole compared to the inauguration? I wonder. We spend a small fortune on defense and our schools literally have to have bake sales to get pencils and paper. Our countries priorities have been messed up for a long time.
  • 170 million is a drop in the hat in the big picture of things.
  • don't you realize the importance of this historic occasion? for the first time EVER, there's going to be a president! NEVER before in history has there been a president! NEVER! but, now we have a president! i'm so proud!
  • Piffle. The average inauguration costs plenty. This one is obviously of more historic importance than average. What do you want? 8 more years of all the money going to the rich?
  • Did you b***h similarly when previous Presidents were inaugurated? I'm sure those ceremonies cost a pretty penny as well. Or, for that matter, do you b***h about hedge fund managers spending $100 million on pieces of art when they could feed the poor? Or, do you b***h about the $10 billion - $12 billion being poured down the money hole that is the US occupation of Iraq EVERY MONTH? Pop quiz, hotshot! Which is the greater amount of money? $170 million one time, or $10 billion every month? Perhaps you should consider ordering your priorities accordingly....
  • Once people achieve a position of greatness or power they all end up with their heads up their own butts.

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