• Well, the most comprehensive source of Nimrod's personal history is Jasher 7. However, like any ancient writing (including the bible), while it is probably true, it is also probably heavily tainted by point of view. For examples, Atum, the one creative force of Egyptian myth, rose from the waters and produced all life; Itheoun (Eden), the norse goddess who held the golden apples of eternal youthfulness; The biblical account of creation; the Qurranical notion of "when you were but a clot of blood, I knew you" and so on. True? yes. But to what extent? Were we ever "a clot of blood?" Was Eden a garden, a woman, a goddess? you can find Jasher chapter 7 at this link:
  • Nimrod was a grandson of 'Ham', 1 of Noah's sons...
  • He was the king who ordered the construction of the tower of Babel. He in his pride decided he could build a tower into heaven to escape in the event of God sending another flood to destroy the earth . That is why the term nimrod now denotes somebody a bit goofy.
  • ***As one ought to expect***, the Bible is our "best evidence" regarding Nimrod, and we're talking about a very ancient (Bronze Age or Stone Age) ruler, and so the account in Genesis is our ONLY reliable evidence on the subject. . . . . In other words: ***that IS the history of Nimrod***. . . . . That being said, ***lots of later legend*** has been added to that very terse history over the centuries. I'm talking about stuff added to the story **at least** several centuries later.
  • It's just a myth/legend that was incorporated in the Bible, like some others. There is no other source for it. It was probably originally an oral tale, possibly inspired by a real figure, though there is no empirical evidence for this. Nimrod was supposedly a king and great-grandson of Noah. The story that he was the leader of those who built the Tower of Babel is just tradition. It's non-biblical.

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