• I think the most controversial President was Nixon. My reason can be summarized in one word: Watergate. I'm sure that George W. Bush is a close second, with Clinton in third (Lewinsky).
  • If you mean controversial at the time of his presidency, then I'd have to say Lincoln. Bush has divided the country, but we're not killing each other over it. Through the lens of history, G. W. Bush probably won't be that controversial in that historians will largely agree on his ineptitude. Clinton is probably the most disagreed upon president amongst current historians.
  • Castro.
  • BOB's answer will still be true in 2008! Despite the complicated presidency of George W. Bush, I suspect the NEXT PRESIDENT will be even more controversial/infamous than GWB if they excercise any leadership designed to untangle the many messes left by all the Presidents since Roosevelt. Social Security. The Border. China. Oil. The environment. Iraq. Health care. Job loss overseas. Stem Cell. Voting machines. Space exploration. Homeland Security. Muslim immigration. English as an official language.
  • I am Australian and I have heard more about Bush the fool than many past.
  • Harry Truman. The questions over the correct use of the bomb still go on.
  • In life, Nixon. In death, Kennedy.
  • If Hillary Clinton or Obabma get in the hot seat, our country is doomed. Universal Healthcare? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?...Go to Canada and ask how well that works...
  • Whichever one is in office at the time.
  • I guess it would have to be Lincoln, since only half the country considered him to be president. It took a war for everyone to realize he was our president. Compare that to Bush- again, only half the country considers him to be president. It took a war for everyone to realize he was the WORST president ever.

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