• From abacus, adding machine, analog, artificial intelligence, brain, calculator, clone, CPU, data processor, digital, electronic brain, laptop, MAC, mainframe, micro, microcomputer, mini, minicomputer, number cruncher, PC, personal computer, thinking machine
  • Gandalf
  • I've use the term "Rotten Son of Bitch" several times with mixed results.
  • GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out)
  • 'puter or machine. En Francais, c'est un ordinateur.
  • Difference engine. This comes from Charles Babbage (1791-1871) who hated the idea that logarithmic tables always had to be caculated by hand. These were often given to maths undergrads who were known as "computers". Babbage decided there wasn't any reason that a mechanical machine couldn't be built to do such repetetious tasks. He designed a mechanical "computer" which he called "The Difference Engine" and got the funding to build it. Then the problems started... Before work had started on The Difference Engine, Babbage had already designed a better model and used the funds from the first to start building the second. When that money had run out, he asked for more and they got mad when he told them it would be used to build the mark 3 Engine. They denied his funding. The mark 3 Engine, called "The Analytical Engine" would have used punch cards as an input medium. In 1991, after correcting several drafting errors, Babbage's plans were used to build two copies of the Mark 2 Diference Engine. They work just as he theorized. One is held by the London Science Museum and the other is currently on display at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California until April of '09 when it will go to a private collector. Hope this helps.
  • I have an older uncle that calls computers "La Chismosa" (one who likes gossip) cause he says that they know everything...ha ha!
  • I call mine Ripper. Then I have a hard drive on there called "Ripping Bitch." It refers to transfering video from my camera to my computer.
  • PC CPU workstation laptop notebook netbook palmtop box number cruncher pedaso crashbox shitbox gadget trinket machine d'enfer sacré badin ...
  • Rig, Beast, PC,
  • POS - Piece of $hit
  • "Whitebox"
  • La comp.

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