at the risk of sounding like a wimp - yes i do.....
Well, it depends on who and why they're angry at me. For the most part, no.
When people who matter to me get angry at me, yes, I do get upset. What about the people who don't matter to me? I couldn't care less.
Yes, I do. Especially when they have no valid reason to be angry at me.
Now if it's justified! : )
All too often since I tend to be reminded of my formative years.
Yes, but only when they're wrong in my eyes.
Not necessarily. If they have a good reason to be angry then OK, I owe them an apology. Your first reaction to anger shouldnt be MORE anger and emotion. I try to understand WHY this person is so angry, if their reason is a good one, etc. On the other hand, if this person is angry and belligerent or name calling and other such negative behaviors then I might get upset. As there is never an excuse for name calling. No matter how upset you may be, the moment you reduce yourself to name calling is the moment you lose whatever argument you're trying to present.
I used to care alot about what people thought, now i just tell them to go pound sand.
Angry people in general scare me, so yes, it's 10 times worse when the anger is directed at me.
Depends on what they are angry about. If I seriously screwed up, then yeah, I get upset. But if it's unjustified, then hell no.
I do,It really bothers me. I don't know why, I just dont like it.
not really i just get a claw hammer
yes I do, and usually I try to avoid mad people, especially if they are mad at me.
If their opinion is important to me, I do.
Depends on the way they get angry with me. With me... Screaming and agression, always hightens my own tendency toward it. I shy away from that now days because it is the sin that so easily besets me... And trust me, I scream a lot louder and can be a lot more agressive than most. I dont cultivate that crap anymore. so when people get that way, If I cant first defuse it, I usually leave it be.
yes, i'm a crybaby and i run away when an angry person tries to confront me about something i know i did wrong.
If they mean something to me, it bothers me.
No..if people get angry at me, you can bet I gave them a good reason..I dont get upset over it. :)
Honestly, yes I do. That freaks me out. Please, don't me mad at me. I don't want that!
Only when I let myself down.
I do - I'm a very sensitive person that hurts easily
When they have no reason to be angry at me I get beyond upset.
depends on the person. i will never forget the day when i was walking in dc and this man who was loudly talking to himself came walking towards me. he was carrying a plaid shirt in one hand and one of its sleeves had caught on fire. as i immediately started to walk away from him & cross the street the guy started yelling at me for no reason. total nutbag. most really angry people remind me in a way of that looney tune. anger is crazy. angry drivers i give a wide berth. i dont even give them a second thought. and depending on my mood and the extent of their rage, i might just shrug it off or give a WTF look to a stranger who said something nasty to me~ maybe their s/o slept with their best friend & theyre having a really bad day or maybe they were beat up as a kid and theyre hating life. who knows? sometimes the behavior is so bizarre it makes me laugh ~ i wait to leave though cause laughing around them makes them angrier. if its a friend and theyre angry at me for something i said or did, i take it seriously cause it rarely happens first of all, and i dont like seeing people i care about upset. i find humor, understanding and affection diffuses anger very well. but if someone i dont know well says something especially malicious or its repeated bad behavior i usually try to reeducate them, and im not averse to using strong language sometimes to stand up to them~ but i have learned not to internalize the stuff, and i dont take it personally. once in a blue moon they get through my defenses, but usually not. ive seen all kinds in my lifetime. serial angry sorts are just misguided souls lost in their suffering. i feel compassion for them.
I might find it upsetting or disturbing if they are getting angry and I see no reason for it, but I wouldn't get angry in return. Not worth it to me.
That would depend on why they get angry. If I think it's for no good reason, then I probably would get angry at them. If I did something bad, then no, they're right to have gotten angry at me.
Upset and sad 'yes ' . Angry 'no' :)
U bet i do. Unless there's a good reason for it.
not if i did something for them to be angry at
No, if people want to be mad, that is their choice. I choose to stay positive and realize that I cant change the way they think of me. I can only hope they realize that it doesnt help to be enraged. It only makes things worse!
Not at all BUT I do get upset when they act angry and when I ask them if they are angry they say "no". Pretty much at that point they can kiss my a**
no, i get angry back.
Yes i am getting upset whenever someone angry on me and also feel frustration at that time. Well, my friend recommend a social networking website called where you post what makes you angry, and you can also vent your frustration. A place where cheaters exposed, liars, haters & fakers vent out. Play frustration games on line for free.
sure i do +5
Sometimes I laugh ...
Nope, I couldn't care less. Besides who could get angry with me, I'm always right. ROFL
Yes. Most times I get hurt if someone gets angry at me, esp. when it's someone I care about. +5
Not always. Sometimes you must do what is right; if it angers someone, so be it.
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