• It certainly does. Just watch the daily news.
  • People do things that are hurtful and by many people's standards considered mean, sadistic, cruel, hurtful and painful to other people or to animals. The things they do might also have an impact on the world or a town or a large group of people as well. Some people would use the term evil for these types of actions and behaviors. There have always been people who do things others label as "evil" (just a definition and very subjective at that). Fortunately, those who do things that are kind, good, and not "evil," outweigh those who do what many would call "evil."
  • Ask RenΓ© Descartes... he actually wrote a book about it or I think so...
  • Evil exists in the sense of destructive and selfish ACTIONS. This is a key point on the topic which gets "muddied up" a lot. There's no abstract evil, all that actually exists is specific evil actions by specific people in specific situations. So as long as that part is clear, then yes, evil exists. If we're talking about some sort of metaphysical evil force floating around the universe, then no -- that kind of evil cannot be shown to exist, and is -- in my opinion -- a projection of our imagination. So the main thing that leaves is "how do you define evil?", for which my answer is "the actions which arise from ignorance, selfishness, greed, and fear based in the delusion that one is separate from the whole". But that's another topic that's too large for this answer.
  • Thinking makes it so. It is a product of our own standards. The Bible says, "When the law came, sin revived, and I died." If a child picks up a razorblade, do you punish them, even though he didn't know that you didn't allow it? Or if they should run out in traffic? It doesn't become wrong untill someone establishes what is right. That's why the Tao teaches that if you don't want the people to steal, do not place value on objects. The moment you begin to clasify things and give them title and worth, you create the evil that is envy. Does that mean that the law is evil? Not at all. If it were not for the law, we would be in chaos. What it does mean is that evil exists because we think it so.
  • Sure does, and it is as close as your avatar.
  • You've obviously never met my boyfriend's mother. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to ask. I have real, live proof that not only evil exists... but the devil, in the flesh, is alive and well living in Glen Burnie, MD which makes my boyfriend the spawn of Satan, herself! LOL **Baby, if you're reading this... I love you, honey! And your mother, too! :)
  • Evil is far from "subjective." No matter what excuses you wish to give to other cultures basic evils like torture, murder and rape will always be evil, in any objective person's book. Perhaps a case for subjective evil could be made for other evils, like incest, adultery, fornication, theft, and lying. But not in my book. Each of those sins is a sin no matter what the cultural variations may be in any other culture. Sally
  • Oddly enough, evil has taken form. yes it has. Evil has taken the form of my ExWife.
  • yes iv been told that iam evil and i do exist so yeah i guess it does.
  • I had lousy room mate back in the past. I referred to him as resident evil.
  • I know it to show it self as the EASY way ,with little or no consequence. It is never the difficult self sacrificing path. It is satisfaction right here,right now,and it always sooner or later ends badly. I guess it is important to be able to identify what it looks like going in, than how it is going to end. When you have to unplug your conscience and your ears from listening to every one you use to listen to. You are on that path. And when you tell yourself "I can stop anytime I want". it is the big cat that crouches in the high grass that doesn't want you to know he's there. When you do,it's to late.
  • YES, YES, YES, evil really exist. Evil exist because it is the absence of good. Evil and Good are that of one, they equal each other out. They are a balance. To get to the point, evil must exist in order for good to exist, because if only good exist, then we would all do good and never know what is evil "bad".
  • Nope, although when I see George Bush it does make me wonder.
  • According the some people, if it does exist, God had to have created it.
  • Of course he does....;-D... . . .
  • Look both inward and outward.. the answer should be obvious ;)
  • exists :)
  • Good question. I wonder if it has its own existence or exists only in the minds of the beholder. When I witness a major injustice I might call it "evil". That is my opinion. Another person might have a different reaction. To them, it may not be "evil" by however they perceive that concept. So evil would thus exist in my mind and possibly your mind but not in everybody's mind. What about something like the Holocaust, wasn't that "evil"? Yes, I think so. That was a series of acts committed by some people who seemed to have lost their connection to good. This concept sounds like evil is then the absence of good. But I still feel that good and evil are subjective concepts. What may be good for me may not be good for you. But that wouldn't make it evil for you. So I would say that evil does the minds of men.
  • Yes, and there is not a single one of us out there that can't see it.
  • yes, just take a look at the world we live in. And in my personal life, my father fits the mold of evil
  • Another great question that has been muddied by morality. Evil is subjective, what one person views as evil another may see as justified. Lets take current events, the unrest in Africa. We as westerners have viewed this as a horrible travesty. (I am not saying its not) But if you look at the those doing the killing
  • Have you HEARD the Spice Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Not in my mind, or world
  • Take a look your newspaper...listen to the news...that should answer your question. Evil exists in some people who, in turn, do evil.
  • Yes it does, and pedophilia is it's name. One of it's many forms and one of it's many names.
  • Another great question that has been muddied by morality. Evil is subjective, what one person views as evil another may see as justified. Lets take current events, the unrest in Africa. We as westerners have viewed this as a horrible travesty. (I am not saying its not) But if you look at the those doing the killing
  • Gosh, just turn on the news.
  • If it doesn't, some of the things I've seen come close enough.
  • i believe it does
  • If you were to read up on the doings of various serial killers, or others who have committed unspeakable acts of torture and murder, you would not ask such a question.
  • I'm surprised you have to ask.
  • Yes it does exist. But leave it at that and do not ask for further proof because it WILL speak to you if you ask enough. And you WILL know it when it speaks to you. And when it speaks you cannot evade it, and it will force you to decide, and no matter how you decide, you will lose. If you continue to ask it will be you writing this some day and I really think you should be wise enough to stop now because the answer to that question does not merrit the eventual outcome. Put your focus towards God and believe in God and if you want to ask for proof that God exists... He will prove it also but the outcome will be quite different.
  • Perhaps the better question is "Does good really exist?"
  • Have you ever cried from hurt, anger, sadness?
  • I think it depends on your point of view of evil and good. I'd say that evil is things that people consider wrong, and good is things that people consider right. If you are for example (DONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY ANYONE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE) a suicide bomber, by choice, then you think that what you are doing, is good, not evil, in fact it is so good it is honorable and heroic. If you are part of western culture, you believe that is evil, because innocent lives are being taken. In the eyes of the bomber the lives are not innocent, so who is to say if good or evil really exists. Its better to ask what different people's PERCEPTION of good and evil is.
  • Because without it, good doesn't exist.
  • Who's to say that it does?
  • It gives GOOD a run for its money! ;-)
  • because we allow it
  • Evil is the opposite of not mere goodness but holiness.
  • The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957
  • How can ask that as a serious question?
  • If you have to ask, you've been very fortunate in life. Be grateful.
  • unfortunatley ..yes it does :O(
  • Yes, without evil, goodness would have little meaning or value to us.
  • of course evil exists.... ..
  • Evil is an idea from a certain perspective. There is no universal "right and wrong". It depends on your beliefs and what you think of the world around you.
  • Yes - I saw it in my ex-husbands eyes and it was not pretty. Down right scary.
  • "Views on the nature of evil tend to fall into one of three opposed camps. One, moral absolutism, holds that good and evil are fixed concepts established by god, nature, morality, common sense, or some other source. Amoralism claims, that good and evil are meaningless, as there is no god, no moral ingredient in nature, no reason to act morally all the time, and reason is just a tool to act more efficient. Amoralist don't care about good or evil, so they are not bound to do evil in the sense of harmful to others all the time, they'll just ignore harm to others if the others cannot retribute in the short or long run. Amoralists tend to apply a homo economicus style of making decisions in their lives. It is questionable if it is evil to be an amoralist, because that would make all capitalists enterprises be evil, and there are even moralists like David Gauthier, who claim, morality itself is nothing but being more efficient in social affairs. Moral relativism holds that standards of good and evil are only products of local culture, custom, or prejudice. Moral universalism is the attempt to find a compromise between the absolutist sense of morality, and the relativist view; universalism claims that morality is only flexible to a degree, and that what is truly good or evil can be determined by examining what is commonly considered to be evil amongst all humans. A looser definition of evil describes it as death and suffering, whether it results from human or from other natural causes (e.g., earthquakes and famine). In other words, it is not merely the intention to do evil, but the end result, namely, harm to others, that is evil. This is sometimes referred to as "natural evil," and some philosophers hold the position that this is an inappropriate use of the word "evil," as it is without intent." Source and further information:
  • YES. when you see me in a really bad mood.
  • yes, i used to date it. i was also married to stupidity.
  • yes, that why we need God..
  • I exist dont I?
  • Yes. Except it's a rather 'fluid' thing, being really quite a thing of perspective.
  • Yes, evil really exists. It all began with disobedience in the heart.
  • Evil as an act.....Yes. Evil as an entity.....No.
  • Yes, his name is Dick Cheney and is residing in an undisclosed location at the present time
  • Yes evil does exist but the devil i do not believe he does.why because the evil that men do come from there desiers to do it because if you look at it in the orignal bible the untranlated one it does not talk about the devil tempting eve in the garden. it said nothing about it.
  • yes in OUR actions and in OUR minds
  • yes evil does exist. and it's everywhere
  • Yes, evil exists. It is the opposite of and in opposition to that which is good. Rape, murder, injustice, racism and sexism, unprovocated war-all of these things are evil. A wise man once said "Do not return evil for evil, but overcome evil with good." If someone hates you, love them back! If someone steals from you, give them more! It's counterintuitive, but if we would all do this, evil could not stand.
  • Evil doesnt exist...a LACK OF Good, is what exists... Just like Cold isnt actually...cold : Cold is a LACK OF heat...and dark isnt really dark, dark is a LACK OF EVIL is just a LACK OF GOOD.
  • Unfortunately, yes. If it did NOT exist, then GOOD would not exist.
  • yes, republicans
  • Yes and Trump is proof.

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