• Someone who glows with self esteem and confidence in themselves.
  • My wife. Pass the bucket. Brownie points earned!!
  • The smile on someone's face, the shining in someone's eyes. The laughter of children playing in the sun. These seem like such simple things to use metaphorically, but sometimes in the heart there is more beauty than in a face.
  • Theres worldy beauty and real beauty. Worldy beauty defines itself by proportion, volume and intensity. It lies to itself by means of makeup and cosmetic surgery, photo retouch and too much shine. It lies to the rest of us by offering the unattainable as a standard. Real beauty is the warmth of genuine concern shown from the eyes of that really overweight pharmacist tech with the bad teeth and too wide nose. Real beauty tells you are look great with bed head, but wipe your nose b4 you go out. Thats all I got
  • Something that evokes a feeling of movement in me~
  • In the early light of the sunset, on a beach, with a warm wind blowing her long blonde hair around, the waves crashing against the shore and she turns and smiles at me giving me that special look and I know I am loved.
  • You can't since everybody looks through their own eyes and sees things differently. What is beautiful to one person can be dreadfully ugly to another.
  • Not my own words, but definitely worth repeating: "A beautiful woman can turn the heads of men when she walks into a room. A truly beautiful woman can turn the heads of the women when she walks in the room!" Beauty has no gender, color, race, or look. You just know it when you see it.
  • To is an emotion as well as the perfection seen through the eye. The visual scene giving pleasure to my senses.
  • a humble soul
  • well i think beauty is more then skin deep because you can see all the features they have on the out side but you dont know them as whole person. to truely know someone is beautiful you have to get to know that person instead of going on looks you go for there personality! and well thats all i got!
  • (whipping a hand mirror out of nowhere) Oh I dodn't know, hmmmmmm...let me think...(swirling my hair around and blowing kissess to the mirrorr immage of me in the mirror)...I'll have to pass on this question, I'm way to modest to answer such a inquiry...(making "movie star" faces at myself from the corner of my eye, and pretending to laugh as I toss back my hair and reapply my lipstick)...way too embarrased too even be in a question like this... about ME even...
  • Physical beauty usually involves symmetry.
  • Something that awakes all your senses

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