• Sounds to me like your boyfriend is an asshole. Better dump him and move on.
  • i was once in a relationship where i always paid for dates.. dinner, movie tickets, holiday gifts, etc.. he didn't put much effort into our relationship he took it for granted and assumed we'd be together forever.. boy did he get an eye opener the night i broke up with him..
  • because we are taught by the fellas and society to get that ass and leave the rest alone. we are taught to make you feel bad and less than you are so that males can dominate you. i wish it weren't true humans don't know how to get along.
  • I wouldn't be with someone who didn't give quid pro quo.
  • if my boyfriend did this to me i would kick him, braking his jaw, and tell him to get a new maid or get a life.
  • Because you allow them to get away with it.
  • Thats funny, for my friend (guy) its the other way around haha
  • My boyfriend spoils me, maybe he is just taking advantage of you, but not all men are like that.
  • It has a lot to do with setting boundaries. I would kick the trash to the curb and take some time to recover. Work on making yourself even more fabulous than you already are. Go to the gym, start up a new hobby or join a new group where you can meet others. Then, when you find the next one (and you will) make sure that you establish what is acceptable behavior and what is not right away. Make sure that you are true to yourself. You deserve nothing less!
  • Not all men are like that, i spoil the hell out of my wife.
  • its a genetic male thing, men are much more inclined to desire a woman for her looks and/or her kindness It's hard to explain, as I'm a dude and you're more than likely a chick but this is the truth, its our tendencies due to genetics this is seen in how men and women respectively view sex quite differently - men as a necessity and women as an optional occurance
  • My momma told me..... Shop till you drop!
  • well, if you listen to the guys on answerbag, youre nothing but a biological breeding tool anyway! read through the convos ive had on men/women. They actually believe it is their right to have as many women as they chose, but because we can only be pregnant by one man, we should sit around waiting for the time of day. read it for yourself.
  • That's my problem. He doesn't do anything. It's like were their little toys they play with for a week then toss away.
  • why do you need pampering when you have each other?
  • Hmmm? Sounds like you should learn to DATE BETTER MEN! It's easy to blame all men but it's not easy to blame yourself for picking the worst type of men and vice versa. People who complain about not being pampered should stop. Because if they don't pamper you in the begining what makes you think they are goanna start!
  • because their not interested an have plans on getting you out of their life eventually
  • Why are you so selfish?
  • We?Speak for yourself.I picked a good one.
  • Well, I am like totally sure that he doesn't care about our relationship.
  • or perhaps with the wrong person.
  • A really intersting thing I've read (In Men are from Mars) is how women and men think differently. When you do favors for your guy, you are thinking he will try to even the score by giving back to you. This is however, not really how men think. If you feel there is an imbalence in the relationship, it is YOUR responsibility to stop giving until you are replenished again. (instead of continuing to give in some confused attempt to obligate him to give back) He is probably just thinking how nice you are! It's wierd, but us girls seem to be the only ones who instintly try to think of a way to give back when we are given to!
  • Comes home from a hard days work. Turns on AB for entertainment. Looks at this question. Goes into Oldy record section. Finds some Neal Diamond. Plays "You don't bring me Flowers".
  • Oh please,i pampered my last g/f and she treated me like shit.Nothing was ever enough.So dont get on some high horse acting like you women dont do the same.
  • It's a two-way street you know. Not all guys are terrible and not all girls are saints. . If you feel mistreated then you need to talk to your boyfriend about it. Let him know how you feel and tell him that you want to give AND receive.
  • How did you pamper him. I pamper my wife insistently and there's only one thing I ever want back and its the same thing all men want back. Try pampering him how he would like to be pampered.
  • that would be whatever you consider yourself if you consider yourself garbage then thats how we will be treated your very offended by the treatment why put up with that.i don't settle for anything but the best i don't pamper until i get pampered.solves all problems
  • Some guys are just arrogant, especially if they were an only child or only son in their families. They take pampering as their due, and they don't need to give anything back. Older guys tend to be more pampering. Try to date up if you can, because men in their 20's are often still maturing and they're self-centered. If it makes you feel any better, I can relate to your wish for more pampering. I'm a physically affectionate, attentive person, and yet most guys give me intermittent pampering at best. Maybe we just need to keep looking!

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