• God is not a person God is the Universe!
  • U say that god is bad and cruel, inventing pain and suffering. Isn't it people who create pain and suffering, god is neutral. He created the universe and tampers not with its fate. It is us, the people who inhabit this universe who dictate what happens, karma: what goes around comes around in some form or another. It is humanities inherient flaw of greed, which we gained by stepping outside nature and becoming self-aware. It is our greed that has created the industrial revolution, the computer age. etc., without it we'd be nomadic, like our ancestors, then we'd not know suffering, by except what comes to us as a part of life and the way the universe works. It is our greed that makes us look critically upon our creator, through our deluted images of 'self-superiority'. So i gotta go some other work. so in conclusion, god is neutral, neither good nor evil. so don't bad mouth god. Do you know the mind of God? Are you so high, superior and knowledgable that you know God's thoughts and plans? No because you are merely human. You cannot know god's mind or plans because God is alknowing and therefore you would know e verything and wouls have nothing to live for. GOd has created suffering for reasons you do not know and most definatly never will know. He has given us free will. However this free will has caused others free will to get in our own way. God will not break his promise and therfore he will not intervene with human desisions. YOu have to make a desision. To follow him, or not to. Mabye at some point in your life, or in death, you will find out if the path you have chosen is the right one. Yes you may have doubts whichever path you choose. But surely these will make you stronger as you carry on. Like our suffering makes us stronger. Have you ever touched a hot saucepan or dish and hurt you hand? An have you ever done it again since?(unless by accident which cannot be helped.)Some say would it not be better if someone tells you not to touch then you do not have to suffer to learn. I, however disagree because your own curiosity may get the better of you, or you may think they are lying or joking. Through the pain you experince you learn. Whether you want to learn or not isn't really a choice, you can try your hardest not to learn and yet learn from that. i got this from a website, i dont know if you will find it useful or not but maybe 1 or 2 things will help you out :0)
  • Here is a link that covers your question from a Biblical standpoint and says it much better than I could re-type. I hope you find it helpful and informative. Wendy
  • Go to the Bibe for the answer, i once asked JW'S that question and they gave me a brilliant answer, from the Bible not off the top of their heads, and considering we are talking about God the Bible would be a great place to sart and finish.
  • i thought it was because when eve ate the apple he lost all connection with the world? i dont know, thats just what i heard.
  • I don't know that you can just "go from any perspective." The reason for that is either you are a BELIEVER in SOMETHING, or you don't believe in anything. Different religions may have different "reasons" for human suffering. According to the Christian Bible, we were not ORIGINALLY suppose to suffer AT ALL! Eden was supposed to be perfect for meeting our needs, just as WE were supposed to be perfect, there was no illness or death intended for us. With the loss of our INNOCENCE we gained not only "Knowledge" but also the whole Pandora's box of additional "goodies" such as responsibility, accountability, death, illness, pain, and suffering in a broader sense. We lost that safe and perfect Eden existence and the direct, intimate relationship we had originally with God! That was part of the purpose of God returning to us in the human form of Christ. To provide us with NEW LAWS for living, and as a completely innocent, (without Sin) being to die for OUR sins. Sometimes we are very hard headed, and hard hearted. We don't want to be bothered with God, we want to be 100% in control of our own lives. When things happen that cause Suffering, often we are suddenly more open to God, we feel overwhelmed, saddened, heart broken. Many times this induces us TO PRAY for help, to become more open to hearing the voice of God. If you are a Parent, have you ever allowed your child to go though an experience that might allow them to LISTEN TO YOU a bit more? Did you feel their pain, sorrow that they had to learn "the hard way?" Now think a moment. YOU wouldn't "set your child up" to suffer, but you might allow them to experience the situation that they set up in order to grow and learn. You might cause them to take responsibility FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Right? We humans set ourselves up many times to suffer. In our choices of what we eat, how we care or don't care for our bodies, how we abuse the environment that is meant to shelter us both at home and in the sense of "Nature." We cause changes, that can have profound impacts on us as both individuals and globally. We have Free Will, and we are fond of using it, often with little or no regard for what CAN happen at some point. Of course, this topic is much deeper than can be covered here, and this is my own opinion, that's all. But, I don't think God sets us up to suffer, I think our choices, behaviors and circumstances place us, often, in positions whereby we MAY experience suffering and then the ball is again in OUR court as to if we are willing to humble ourselves and ACCEPT the comfort, and care that God ALREADY HAS for us. I believe that when I cry, God cries with me, because he always wants the very best or better for me...that's HIS plan. I just need to be aware that it is already in place on a daily basis, stop being so very "controlling" on a Spiritual Level...and follow the path...always easier said than done.
  • Life is what you make it you cannot blame a god or goddess on what you do with your life. If bad things happen its mostly because we cause it or its a call of nature!
  • Bad things can happen to anyone, whether they are 'good' or 'bad.' It's an imperfect world that we live in. Please note: I have entered this answer under the 'wrong question.' The question that I intended to answer with this response was: Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • I dont believe there is a god, But lets pretend there is, it seems to be a popular thing to do ; ) God is said to be testing these people's faith, or maybe he is trying to have them move to a location closer to himself. Why god lets bad things happen to good people makes no sense, Neither does him creating an imperfect creature that would make itself and other species miserable. If god created man in his own image, then it doesnt sound like god is much of a being.
  • Why does a parent let their child go out to play in the playground where they can (potentially) get in harm's way?
  • Good on you for asking. According to Christianity, which I follow, the world was never meant to be a place of suffering. God created the world, and put humans on it as his lieutenants (so to speak) to look after it and care for it under his authority. But humans rebelled against that authority, which caused a threefold breakdown in relationships: 1) between humans and the natural world- this led to things like deforestation, pollution, soil degradation, extinctions etc 2)between humans and humans- on a most basic level, selfishness, wanting their own way, anger violence, abuse; on a bigger scale, war,coups etc 3) the most important breakdown- the between humans and their Creator. Because God is perfect, he cannot allow imperfection (=rebellion, disobedience= sin) into his presence, so humans became cut off from God (which leads to an increase in 1&2 in never ending spirals) But God loves his creation, and so he set in motion a rescue plan, beginning with the most important relationship- humans and himself. From the day Adam and Eve rebelled, he promised a rescuer and gradually over the centuries planned a nation, a country and a family into which he would be born. That was Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to pay for the rebellion of every human being, past present and future. Only a perfect person's sacrifice could do this. By dying (and his rising proves what he said is true) he made it possible for every human being who acknowledges their rebellion to be forgiven and then seen by God as if they never sinned. But That leaves 1&2. There are still the two other consequences to be dealt with- human to creation and human to human. God has promised a day when these too will be restored. In the meantime, he is calling all people to turn to Him. And in the meantime, there will be suffering. To both good and bad. Someone once said to me that living in this world is like being in a room where everyone is firing guns. Someone is going to get hit, and that will not necessarily be the one who was aimed at. Every sin ie act of selfishness, disobedience, rebellion has a consequence, and those consequences often reach far beyond the person who committed the original act. A person drives a car under the influence and hits a pedestrian. The pedestrian dies, and his family is left without a breadwinner, children without a father. A person has casual sex with as many people as they feel like, not knowing that somewhere along the line, they picked up HIV. Before they are detected, they have spread it to many others, and some of those women to their children. Even sicknesses are being more and more linked to dietary deficiencies or environmental conditions. My 17 yo daughter was diagnosed with a large brain tumour. That wasn't her fault, nor did I or her father do anything to cause it. It happened, and we do not know why. Something went wrong within her body- who knows what started it? Disease? Food? A malformed gene? We don't know. All I know is she got hit by a bullet that no one knows who fired. But in the end, we are all responsible, because we are all shooting. Me too. I am responsible for hurting people with words, for doing things I should not have done and not doing things I should have done and I have to admit that before God. I might not be responsible for my daughter's illness, but I may have set in motion the seeds for someone else's. No one knows who fires the bullet, but someone will get hit. And we are all responsible. I hope that helps a little. If you want to ask more, please feel free. Blessings.
  • Because it wouldn't be faith it was handed out to us on a platter. Plus God didn't create sin....Satan and humans do
  • For the sake of the question, lets assume 'God' is a decision-making being. God permits the existence of 'bad' in all its forms to allow a comparison. In short: How could one be expected to feel good without having felt bad? There are numerous analogies which the simplest mind could conjure or understand...
  • Sometimes we judge things as "bad" or "good," through our own perceptions. We've all had things that we thought were bad, but in the end have been blessings. There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically. "Maybe," the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed. "Maybe," replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. "Maybe," answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. "Maybe," said the farmer.
  • Sin is the reason that we suffer. God is not to blame. Jesus knows what it is like though because He came into the world and suffered and died for our sins so that we could be saved. He rose from the dead and conquered death as well as sin. Through Him, we have power over death and sin as well. Suffering can also teach us lessons or bring us closer to God because if we are always happy in this life, then we often forget about God or forget our need of Him. Suffering can cause us to look unto Him, the only One who can really help us. Also, I once heard somebody say that the reason God allows suffering (to us that are believers) is so that we won't get too comfortable in this world and being looking forward to heaven! I thought that was an interesting thought. I hope that this is helpful. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Because people are people, and they have to have free will, or what would be the point? I'm agnostic, really, but I always thought that blaming all the suffering in the world on a god that may or may not exist is wrong. People need to take responsibility, and I think He/She/It would want that.
  • i just tell people that thats just how it is. i woudnt try to sugar coat it at all becasue life on earth is closer to being in hell than heaven. but we all must endure this semi-hell to get to heaven. and of course the only way is through the savior.
  • I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that.
  • well seeing as god doesnt exist, its just bad luck. A true "god" wouldnt allow such things no matter what the "bible" says. Bad things happen to good people, plain and simple. good things happen to bad people(IE Bush)it just happens.
  • Maybe there isn't a God. Or maybe God allows life on earth to suffer because He wants us to learn from our mistakes. But then you wonder, why would God allow innocent people to suffer, what's the lesson there? I wonder about that myself. My ultimate question about God is, why didn't He create us with freewill and perfect hearts and minds so that we can truly live like Him in peace and harmony? Or why did He allow us to live with the devil on earth? Out of all places in all of existence, why didn't He put the satan on another planet or even create something He knew would cause all kinds of problems in the first place? From the looks of things, it doesn't seem like there is a loving God anywhere to be found, but I still believe in Him. : ) : (
  • God does many things, we do not always know the answer why. God told people back in the Bible days that sometimes punishment will not be to the one who disobeys him, but to their family members, children or even their children. There is a God, but he didn't create cancer, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc. A lot of people that have had some of those debilitating diseases have been cured through prayer. It's not an easy answer, and they may not accept any answer if they are refering to themselves.
  • Many people have asked the questions like: Why does God allow wars? Why was this person born blind? Why is this person crippled? Why can't this couple have children? These are some of the mysteries about which humans have been asking God for answers since the beginning of time. Even Job, a just man, asked God why were so many bad things happening to him. I am not wise enough to answer this question but Pope John Paul II wrote a beautiful letter called Salvifici Doloris, On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering: With love in Christ.
  • this is how i feel. i honestly don't believe you could give me a response that could change my mind.
  • This would depend on which god you're talking about - the god of the old testament or the god of the new testament. The former wasn't that peace-loving and seemed to enjoy smiting people who offended him, while the latter was like a totally different personality, according to the bible. Maybe he / she / it is schizophrenic, or maybe he underwent therapy and became a better person. BTW, I'm an atheist, so don't believe in all this anyway - one of my own beliefs is that "life happens", so take responsibility for what you can, and deal with it.
  • God doesnt let bad things happen. Sin is what causes it to happen. He never promised life would be easy. In fact he said the world hated him first so who ever follows him will be hated also. He never promised an easy road, he just promises to help us through it.
  • One of the laws of God is cause and effect all action has a reaction and everything we put out comes back to us in the way we put it out. So Karma plays a big role in that which we are current experiencing. But existence is perfect, everything is as it should be, All things that are happening are a result of what has happened previously. Cause and effect. there are no accidents everything is as it should be, Also, before we take this body of this lifetime we usually choose hardships {karma} that we know that we can overcome and karma that we know that we can work off.... God is pure perfect uncreated energy translated as unconditional love. If people keep God awareness in their heart, there is no suffering. If people instead hold onto all that is not real, then suffering is part of that game...
  • God created the world perfectly. Man chose not to follow God's plan. Man decided to rationalize and do it man's way. This brought on sin. Sin has consequences. God is loving, but also just. His justice (similar to a judge in a human court) will still be carried out. We are still living with the results. God gave man a free will. It wouldn't be much good to make robots who were forced to love and obey Him. God warns us in His Word that His ways, precepts, rules, and laws are for our good. But, the disobedience of them brings problems, pain and suffering. (note: obedience does NOT bring eternal salvation, per Scripture). People create the problems and live with the consequences. Many people will not let God be Boss of their life. They want to go to heaven but want to run their own life. We live in a world where God's ways are ignored. It breaks God's heart to see this, but he doesn't force anyone. Free will is still involved. I hope you have found a personal relationship with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, thru repentance and trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross ( and His resurrection). "For by grace are you saved and NOT by works, lest any man should boast." God's Holy Spirit will guide His children.
  • God created the world perfectly. Man chose not to follow God's plan. Man decided to rationalize and do it man's way. This brought on sin. Sin has consequences. God is loving, but also just. His justice (similar to a judge in a human court) will still be carried out. God gave man a free will. It wouldn't be much good to make robots who were forced to love and obey Him. God warns us in His Word that His ways, precepts, rules, and laws are for our good. But, the disobedience of them brings problems, pain and suffering. We are living with the results. People create the problems and live with the consequences. Many people will not let God be Boss of their life. They want to go to heaven but want to run their own life. We live in a world where God's ways are ignored. It breaks God's heart to see this, but he doesn't force anyone. Free will is still involved. I hope you have found a personal relationship with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, thru repentance and trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross ( and his resurrection). Let the Holy Spirit guide you.
  • Look to nature... God gave us things to observe in order to teach us what to do and to not always have to look up for everything we need in life. "Use your wisdom." Look at the pearl for example. THe Oyster is faced with an irritant... A foreign body that inflitrates its peace and begins to cause it to feel uncomfortable and hurt... It secretes its Nacre, and makes what is bothering it, smooth and supple. God's word... Is our Nacre. God is not responsable for the irritant getting into the oyster. He created them both and caused a force that makes all things interact with one another. If it be a good or bad interaction, depends upon nothing more than your personal energy, *What you deflect and attract by your words and thoughts and your level of understanding how to solve a problem.
  • Because it doesn't exist? And there is nothing allowing the suffering, it is just a part of life. Because if there is it can't or won't do anything about it. If it can't then it's not god. If it won't then why call it god.
  • It depends on where that person is in maturity and spiritual development. In all the awful things that I've been through, two things have stuck in my mind. First, why not me? Everyone suffers. It is just part of the human condition. What would make me so special that I shouldn't be treated the same way as everyone else? The second thing that helped me was having known some people who had been lucky enough to have not suffered yet. They eventually hit suffering, but when I first knew them, they hadn't yet. They were insufferable. They had no sympathy, no empathy, no understanding of people who had suffered. I don't think God sends suffering to us. I don't think He purposefully afflicted my child with cancer to teach me a lesson or to teach her a lesson. But I think that if we accept the suffering and reach out to God for help, He uses that suffering to refine and polish our souls so that we become loving and empathetic.
  • "Well, that's you opinion." That would be the perfect response in my opinion.
  • Everyone needs some type of stress. If you handle stress correctly, it will make you stronger and better able to deal with bigger stress as you get older. It's similar to lifting weights. If you begin with extremely heavy weights you may get injured. But if you start out light and gradually increase weight, you become stronger. If you choose to ignore and not deal with the weight or the stress, you will not grow and you will not be able to handle heavy weight or the stress that's coming your way in the future. "The difference between the person who succeeds and the person who fails is that the person who succeeds keeps going when he faces the same thing that caused the other person to quit." Jack Hyles
  • Without reading all the other answers, my understanding is that God allowed mankind to go their own way. Mankind has a whole has turned away from God and his principles. It started with Adam and Eve, and has been this way ever since. Even though someone may be converted they still live in this world which is governed by people and not by God. None of us live a perfect life and society as a whole is pretty decrepit and despicable. Yet people will make fun of others who believe in living God's way, as if they know a better way to live. Man's ways, as a rule, do not bring happiness or spiritual uplifting. We tear down a lot more than we build up. Look at the pollution of our food supply and our environment, such as the water, and air. Moral decay is excelling exponentially thanks in large part to the corruption laden antics of Hollywood and the media. Medicine is financially based instead of trying to actually prevent disease so that people can live a healthy and prosperous life. The more people reject God the worse it's going to be. Then there's the corruption that comes with power. If men in power can't control you, it will be either you or them. There is one other aspect to suffering. In life there is always the two opposite ends of the spectrum. There are the extremes and everything in between. If there were no suffering, there would be nothing to gauge happiness and well being against. If I feel good everyday, how can I really appreciate it since that is common to me? If don't feel good, or if I'm in a lot of pain, when I do get over it I'm going to really be thankful and appreciate being healed and feeling well again. Once we're in God's kingdom, we will have seen the suffering that living without God can bring as opposed to the happiness that will come as result of living with Him and according to His ways.
  • Just because God allows it doesn't mean He likes it. Sometimes it's Satan tempting us to turn away from God (like with Job), and sometimes it's God testing our faith. Much of the it's the consequences of our sin. No matter why God allows it to happen, He doesn't do it because He likes to see people suffering; though we may not be able to see it, there is always a good reason.
  • then remind them that life is an eye of the beholder thing, you have to decide for yourself. the history behind the bible will clear up most human suffering for you. start at the point where the bible was created, in egypt.
  • The question of the existence of suffering is not necessarily easier to answer if you assume that there is no god. You can say that suffering help us to grow, but in some cases, suffering seems to reach some extremes that no one can really understand. When you are in a situation of extreme suffering, some could possibly take every help that you can get. Even if it were an illusion. Even if they were almost certain that it were an illusion.
  • The most common answer religionists offer whenever this question is brought up, is that "god gave us free will and he allows evil to exist in order to achieve the greater good of free will." This answer, however, creats a dilemma of incompatibility between god's "Omnicience" and "free will". In addition, the "free will" business does not address the suffering caused by natural desasters(sunamies, earthquakes, volcanos eruption, ciclons, famine, tornados, etc). Was it possible for an "Omnipotent" god to creat a world where free will could exist without the evil? Well, if he is Omnipotent I think it was........assuning there's a god, of course. I can't help it but to quote herein a trilemma argument commonly refer to as the "Epicurean Paradox" because is traditionally ascribed to Epicurus(341 BCE-270 BCE). "Either god wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but doesn't want to. If he wants to but cannot, then he's not Omnipotent. If he can, but doesn't want to, he then is not benevolent. And if he is neither able nor willing, then why call him god?"
  • God put you here to serve your fellow man, what are you doing about other people suffering?
  • Just in the same way He doesn't force us to love Him, obey Him or worship Him, neither does He force people to choose between good and evil. Many of us have been tested by adversity, and when we turn from God in those difficult times, it shows Him where we are in our hearts. Some suffering is caused by evil, such as crime and war, and if He protected us from each and every thing that threatened us, we might not ever know it existed, therefore taking Him for granted. Some suffering is part of the natural order of things, such as natural disasters. Fro exapmle, earthquakes, forest fires caused by lightning, and blizzards exist to balance out the earth and nature. Humans get caught up in them because we're in their path. The same rain that feeds crops can turn into a flood one day. The same sun that gives life can dry up a whole hemisphere. Those of us who persevere through all of that with our eyes and trust on God will receive His rewards, as He has promised us. Evil can touch any of our lives at any time, it's our response to it that shows our faith.
  • Sprituality vs. Religion according to me.... SPIRITUALITY: "When asked where God is, people point towards the sky or some far and distant region; no wonder then that He does not manifest Himself! Realize that He is in you, with you, behind you, and all around you; and He can be seen and felt everywhere." Satya Sai Baba RELIGION: 11. Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man…living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money. George Carlin

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