• satin sheets. I think he's reminising, if you're referring to the song by the Moody Blues
  • The original question before any later changes if any is: What is the meaning to "Nights in White Satin?" By ryguy Asked 6 minutes ago My answer is: Without going on the web & finding the real reason the song was written my own observation is: Its obviously a love song & for someone the writer has been in a long term relationship with for many years.Youve probably heard the expression "Love is Blind" But for whom this love song is written is the question. Hope that helps.Gave you 2 pts for interesting question
  • 1) "Band member Justin Hayward wrote the song at age nineteen, and titled the song after a friend gave him a gift of satin bedsheets. The song itself was a tale of a yearning love from afar, which leads many aficionados to term it as a tale of unrequited love endured by Hayward. " Source and further information: 2) "This was written by Justin Hayward, who joined the band the previous year. He got the idea for the song after someone gave him a set of white satin sheets, and wrote it in his bed-sit at Bayswater. Haywood told the Daily Express Saturday magazine May 3, 2008: "I wrote our most famous song, 'Nights in White Satin' when I was 19. It was a series of random thoughts and was quite autobiographical. It was a very emotional time as I was at the end of one big love affair and the start of another. A lot of that came out in the song."" Source and further information: 3) "this song shows how our world is full of meaningless illusions, and how people are looking for something more meaningful in life. he says in the beginning of the song, that he doesn't know what is going on with this one that he loves so much, and he doesn't know if he should go ahead and be with her, it might be too big of a this sums up my life" "The refrain explains his feelings and perceptions about his life as it is presently (stated in the stanzas). Nights in white satin "never ending" is laying awake in bed not being able to stop thinking about your lover. Unsent letters are a result of not being able to put your thoughts in order and express what your feeling, though trying many times; none seem to convey your heart. Suddenly seeing previously unseen beauty is a clear sign of love entering your life as well as not knowing the truth anymore because your world is upside down. etc. etc. The poem at the end is his worldly perception before enduring another Night in White Satin. Actually a VERY good love song that is right on the mark!!" "Justin Hayward wrote "Nights" when he was about 19. He wrote the song as he was going through a rather difficult breakup with a girl. At the same time, though, he'd met the woman who would eventually become his wife (and still is to this day.) He's often said that the song came out of the despair and excitement he was feeling at the time; one relationship ending, and another beginning. As for the title? Well, a woman he knew (he's never said whether she was the one he was breaking up with at the time...) had given him some white satin sheets. While he says they're very romantic and all, they didn't really work well when he had a day's growth of stubble on his chin! (He hated them, in fact!) He also has said that the song took about as long to write as it took to play. He was up very late one night in his apartment, apparently fretting over his relationship situation, and, as he's put it, "...the song just came out." " Source and further information: (includes the lyrics) The Moody Blues - Nights in White satin´67
  • (K)nights in White Satin, I think it was about the leader of the KKK
  • dont know but according to my mother i was conceived to it
  • KKK perhaps!!

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