• hes sounds like he may be gay trying to hide it
  • Is he gay?
  • Elton John.
  • Yes, a very fortunate few. My wife once said, "The young girls don't know what they are missing." Another time she said, "It is so good to be understood." It is my earnest endeavor to be as womanly as possible with her all the time until a male personna is needed - we call it the "donkey" work (hard physical labor, the ability to deal with the rough side of life), but the rest of the time, I try to be as feminine as possible. She is a very feminine woman and the whole experience was not easy for her to adapt to, at first, but once she did, she has had an extraordinary time. We have often speculated what it would have been like if we have found this way of living together years ago, instead of just the last four years or so. I wish you the very best and hope you find the greatest happiness. - Marcia
  • no personally i like a masculine man....masculinity (and lots of it1) is such a turn on...if they are feminine its too much like a gf staying over long term. mannerisms also usually carry over into the bedroom and i am agressive and i like a masculine man that can outdo me =) just a personal perference though sounds like your very happy
  • No. I like masculine men. They can be caring and gentle too.
  • he doesn't wear make up but he keeps his hair short in a fem cut. I pluck his eyebrows. His ears are pierced and he wears earrings. He wears bras and panties instead of men's undies. It was all a little peculiar at first. I thought he was gay, but he is the best mate, so kind, considerate and understanding. My friends think he is the best and I love him and the way he is
  • Ive noticed people saying that hes gay, or asking if he is. Hes probably not, seeing as he has a girlfriend, my mom has a feminine boyfriend and he is very friendly and has been a better dad in 3 years than my real dad has been my whole life. Hes helped us soooo much and I am very thankful for him.
  • No.My husband is masculine.

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