• "Discrete" mathematics, sometimes known as "finite" mathematics, is the study of sets or systems that have a finite number of elements. For example, between 0 and 100, there are a finite quantity of integers, but an infinite count of real numbers. Problems in this area of mathematics can be grouped into three main categories: 1) Existence problems: finding whether or not a given problem has a solution. 2) Counting problems: discovering how many solutions exist to problems with known solutions. 3) Optimization problems: finding the best solution for a particular problem. Applications include game theory, cryptography and computer programming.
  • " the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete in the sense of not supporting or requiring the notion of continuity. Objects studied in discrete mathematics are largely countable sets such as integers, finite graphs, and formal languages." Source: Try to draw a graph of the Integer numbers. It will not be a continuous graph like it would be with Real numbers. The Integers graph will be a bunch of points (...,-1,0,1,...), the places in between are out of Domain.
  • That's when you add this way: SHHHHHHH!! one tire plus one tire = 2 tires. times 2 = 4 tires. SHHHHHHHH!!!!

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