Vegetables mainly but some meat.
Meataterian! It's a choice.
Meat, I love meat.
Both...Pork is my favorite meat and winter squash would have to be my favorite vegetable.
A well balkanced plate with a bit of everything is what I like.
I mainly eat lots of veggies. I love my veggies.
I love my meats, i always make gravy of the broth, except for fish, fish gravy is just wierd.
I like meat, chicken, etc. very much. I certainly don't eat nearly enough vegetables as I should.
Meat, meat and more meat.
Meat and potatoes for me. The rest is just rabbit food.
Meat! I'm the guy in the grocery store at the meat counter, drooling on the glass.
I like a nice balance of meat, fruits, and vegetables. I will pretty much eat anything that isn't trying to eat me first.
Veggies first..then whole grains, meats and that order. :)
Mostly veggies, but with meats and grains.
Vegetarian. But not too strict. I will have all milk products and egg. A little animal fat too won't be objected to in the cooking process of the vegetables. But only vegetarian basically.
I am totally into meat since I was a child. I try not to forget the veggies.
Meat. I rarely eat vegetables.
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