There are a few ways of dealing with the knowledge that nothing happens after death. Some atheists believe in reincarnation. Some are pleased that there will be no superior being judging them. Some take pleasure knowing that in death, their bodies will become one with the universe. My feeling is, it doesn't matter at all whether there is an afterlife because it doesn't change who I am today or what I will do with the precious seconds I have today. I will do my best to live every moment to the fullest, and I think that is a joyful and liberating concept.
I like to deal in realities no matter how hard they are to swallow.
I think this goes away when you take responsibility for your life. Nobody is going to save you, and that's a loss if you felt like you needed to be saved. But you don't need to be saved, you just need to be yourself fully and appreciate life fully. Likewise, nobody is out there to give life meaning: it's your job to make life meaningful. If you do that, it's meaningful... if you don't, it's not. Nobody is out there to make you OK, that's also your job. The more you take responsibility for life, the more you feel at home in the world -- the more it's YOUR world... yours to enjoy, yours to contribute to, yours to care for. Where else would you want to be? This is it. This has always been it. When you make peace with that, it's whole and complete. That's true spirituality, without the mythology.
I've learnt to accept the fact that it doesn't really matter. We don't have to be an important part of the world or universe - just let whatever it is, be whatever it is. There's no reason to assume we're being special.
Life's a bitch and then you die
Just think back. Before you were born did it hurt in any way? Were you scared? Yes, we hurt when we lose loved ones, but at death they no longer miss you nor hurt if they were ill before death. After you die you will not be aware you are dead, so you have a brief time to live, explore love, laugh, and yes hurt and then it is over. You won't lie around being sad one bit. Soldier up!
You could have been a slime mold. Or a garden slug. Or nothing at all. But you were lucky enough to be a human, who can think abstract thoughts, interact with other intelligent beings, feel complex emotions, and experience the world in more depth than most life forms. And although it's relatively brief timespan that you're alive, it's still better than nothing at all. And you are free. No basic plan rules your destiny, no underlying purpose is driving you toward one goal or another. You are free to make your life whatever you want it to be. Don't be sad, because nothing has basically changed. You are still responsible for your own happiness. "I feel like I'm drifting aimlessly in a meaningless void." "So pick up an oar and start paddling, damn you."
Be Happy.
You adjust and enjoy the life you have to the fullest
It fills me with saness that non atheists often live their lives doing right out of fear of being punished, or at best being nice but misguided. How do religionists deal with the truth that one day they they will cease to exist and they will have spent their life not trying to attain an unattainable afterlife. What a waste. Atheism gives you the freedom to find your own moral path and can lead to a deeper philosophy than that provided by an off the shelf religion with an afterlife. Grasp it, you have nothing to lose but your chains.
You were taught to feel this way, remember. You were trained to feel that the only happiness comes from religion and that the ultimate reward comes after death. But many of us feel that this isn't true - that happiness comes from life, not death. Find happiness in your life, instead of focusing on what comes after. There is no after! When I was young I actually found the idea of heaven overwhelmingly sad. Partly because I never fully believed in it, but also partly because I couldn't find happiness in the idea of everything going on exactly the same forever. There can be comfort in the idea of completion, that there is a beginning, middle, and end. And who knows what else is outside of that- maybe you start again, maybe you become part of everything. But it will not be me personally going on forever in perfection, and I'm fine with that. I think part of shaking off these deeply-planted beliefs is learning about what people believed and felt before christianity and outside of it. Learn about other religions and their beliefs, learn about other cultures. Other cultures have and have had very different attitudes towards death that are in many ways healthier - see the Mexican Day of the Dead, or Japanese Shinto festivals. There is an idea of continuity and cycles of life that can make a healthier mental framework for you. Also, leaving religion can be very lonely. Hopefully you have other people in your life who understand what you're going through and that you can talk to. Take your time with this stuff. You don't have to work everything out right now, and you don't have to be okay with everything either. Death is frustrating and awful and unfair, and everyone whether religious or not grapples with this from time to time. Talk out your feelings and believe more than anything else that today is good and precious, and that's what really matters.
If you cease to exist, then it's not like you're going to be aware of it. I know that sounds a bit negative, but it's true. I mean, it's like stressing over how much surgery is going to hurt and how terrible it will be when someone's cutting you open, when you're going to be sedated the whole time anyway.
I normally don't answer if more than 9 people have already answered before me. This is a very important question though and I think I have a good answer for you:,5 This is the first chapter of Richard Dawkins' book 'Unweaving the Rainbow'. It gives you another perspective of life.
Since there is absolutely no evidence that those who believe in God will continue beyond the grave either, how could that possibly matter? The idea that there is something after life is simply ludicrous.
God is a myth, an illusion, and can even be a lie. I understand that if you have used him as a crutch then it may feel like there is an emptiness in your life - but that will pass. Freeing yourself of the illusion, like freeing yourself of a heroin addiction, might get tough at times but it will free you to think for yourself. To think rationally. To work toward solving issues in your life rather than praying for your imaginary friend to fix them for you. . As for death, that's nothing to be afraid of. It's simply like before you were born. Without the false promise of heaven (or threat of hell) you can realize how precious living is and really enjoy it. . +5
by not being the kind to think about the future. sure, if i do cease to exist, its not gonna be great, but i exist now, and thats enough. although im not atheist...:s but i dont believe in afterlives, so i guess im still qualified to answer :D
its called maturing. and the sadness is the very real equivilant to drug withdrawals. you need to know that everything is ok and learning is our forte as humans. so grab a "good book" and go to town Xp
i don't think you may want to be atheist... if you still love your god and it's haveing an effect on you you should try looking at it logicaly. how does god love so much yet punish adam and eve and cast them out? how does god love so much and be so "awesome" yet not like the evil in the world enough to flood it around noahs time? look for loopholes that don't make sense to you. don't ask anyone else for help. think about it deeply and with sense. none of this because we don't see the picture that is god he is so awesome he can blind us with how much love he holds for us and truth in his judgment. i like to think of the resons he doesn't exist. and exactly how he does when noone's seen him and it's awfuly convenient that he decided not to show himself again when he wanted to. i'm skeptical of the bible to make it make sense in a way that delets my beleifs. yeah it's a nice story to read. but it's as fake as fairies.
perhaps scientific pantheism would suit you better.
to be honest, it is not an issue - there is no sadness... it is an acceptance that one day I will never see the sun rise again, and that is it!
The thought of death is a terrifying reality, but as with everything, there is a balance. I had the privilege of life, therefore I must have the sadness of death. Yin and yang.
It understandable for you to feel that way when you see any sad things happening in the world,but that is not the way God intended for us to live with sadness and suffering ,when mankind was created the first human couple were put in a paradise garden with nothing lacking for a beautiful future ,they were to have children and had the prospect of living forever ,sadly they lost that privilege ,but Godβs purpose to have mankind live forever on the earth in peace is still going to be fulfilled .Gods son Jesus as king of Godβs kingdom has promised to put right what Adam & Eve lost for mankind , The bibles promise in Psalms 37:9-11, 29 States what Jesus will do 9)For evil men will be done away with,But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. Χ 10 Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;You will look at where they were,And they will not be there. 11 But the meek will possess the earth,And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace 29) The righteous will possess the earth,And they will live forever on it. Jesus gave signs to help us know when this will come about in Matthew 24:3-14 3)In answer Jesus said to them: βLook out that nobody misleads you, 5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, βI am the Christ,β and will mislead many. 6 You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 βFor nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. 9 βThen people will hand you over to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by all the nations on account of my name. 10 Then, too, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. 11 Many false prophets will arise and mislead many; 12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold. 13 But the one who has endured to the end will be saved. 14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come Also foretold what peopleβs attitude will be like . 2 Timothy 3:1-5 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away Revelation 21:4 gives us the promises that death and sorrow will be done away with under Godβs kingdom And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.β. So when we consider these things and the wonderful future in store for mankind with peace and happiness and to have the opportunity to live forever on the earth it can give us happiness and peace of mind to know this will be realised soon under Godβs kingdom .
Atheism give NO hope...for any future...whereas the Bible DOES promise hope...if you are obedient... (Psalm 37:9) For evil men will be done away with, But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. (Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
If you are leaning towards being an atheist you were probably never a Christian to begin with. Many claim to be Christian are only so in name only. Search your heart and ask the Lord God to intervene and teach you. May I recommend a book? This book will teach you more truth about Jesus and His word than any of many books I have read and studied on Christianity. The book is: The Royal Law of Liberty: living in Freedom Under Christ's Law of Love by Darwin Chandler, It is available from Amazon Books in print or Kindle.
You seem to be suggesting that to deny an untrue fantasy that may be troubling is somehow not reasonable. If that fantasy is uncomfortable to you simply remain religious but that has nothing to do with whether or not heaven exists.
The body, not the soul, ceases to exist: I'd think twice about atheism.
Atheists kno so much more than us simplistic believers!
not sure how they deal with it
No, that is not what is happening. You are growing and maturing and getting older but you are lazily trying to answer new questions with old answers. You are not leaning, you are falling asleep and beginning to pay the penalty
How do children deal with the idea that there is no Santa and one day they will stop getting presents? I'd start by asking myself why this makes me sad. AS someone who has seen pretty much everything humans can see, and yet still understands that there is a million times more to see that I never will, I can tell you that I am 100% confident that there is no benevolent God watching over us. Does that make me sad? No. Does the thought of myself dying and ceasing to exist, my memory long forgotten make me sad? Not really. I'd be sad at the thought of anyone missing me after I'm gone, but death is a part of life, so you deal with it one way or another. Pretending that it's only temporary is no more valid a way of dealing with the concept than just ignoring it.
Firstly, I have absolutely no problem with you leaning towards atheism, but remember question your atheism, question everything, if you truly want to search for truth, it is the only way to be thorough. Secondly, you are absolutely correct, there is no meaning to life when you do not believe that there is something after it, or believe in the what most atheists do believe, I don't buy the position that atheism is only non belief in God bull crap, it isn't, and it wasn't for me either, I fought the same evidence based position of atheists. Fact, if this world came into existence out of randomness, and exists for no meaning, and then will end, then the total result ends in ZERO. Everything in between will not matter, because there is no one reflecting on the experience, that is man's ego coming into play. There can be no objective meaning to the existence of life from the position of an atheist and so therefore, regardless of the job you choose, and what you do here, be it rapist, murderer, nurse, saint, sales person, charity worker, at the end when it's all over and gone, it started and ended for no reason. Also, let's bear in mind that you are simply made up of chemicals and firing neurons, you are pre-determined, and therefore there is no free will, and so again there is no ghost in the machine to admire how great your life was and the choices you made. Atheists cannot have it both ways, in all intellectual honesty, they have to admit that there is no objective meaning to life, and that no matter how much they may "feel" there is, in all logic and reason there cannot be.
That's The Spirit telling you its not true!
I am not an atheist and I cannot understand why you would want to become one. Life is full of meaning. Look around you and what do you see? Creation is a marvelous thing and we don't know anything beyond what we can see. Imagine having the time to explore what Creation is and what it has and will give us. This is the saddest thing about atheism. They have absolutely no idea of what God has done and will do in the future. To them, life is just a fleeting moment and that is the end of the matter. And yet the Bible gives us such a wonderful hope of a life without end and no sickness, death, pain. Think of it. Living in perfect health and having the vitality and ability to do all the things you want to do but can't. Have a look at this website, for more information.
Here is what amazes me about people like you : You KNOW you are overwhelmed by sadness but you make no connection with your ideas? It is maybe the chief teaching of Jesus that AS A MAN THINKS SO IS HE
It happens to EVERYONE. All before me, all who come after. It's the natural order, and it doesn't frighten me one bit. Since I don't fear the billions of years of nothingness before me, why on earth would those that follow affect me at all?
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