• I already answered this. Only if you have a foot fetish.
  • I have never used one,but I do know ion foot baths do work.I have bought one through e-bay.Private sessions that last 1/2 hour are about $50 so if you plan to do it every second day for a month the cost could add up.How it works is fill a container with warm water and add a teaspoon of salt.Insert the probes into the water and turn on the machine.The ionized water draws out the impurities and poisons from the body through the pours of the feet.Water that started out clear turns brown and small things floating showing poisons leaving the body.I have done 15 foot baths so far every second day,and feel great.
  • I know know about detox patches, but about twice a year I go for ionic detox footbaths, and they are amazing. Supposedly they suck the toxins out of your body through your feet. You should see the colour of the water when it's's disgusting.
  • does the detox foot pads really pull the toxin's from your feet out of your body?
  • It's a scam. There's no way a patch can "detox" your body. Don't waste your money!
  • Hi, I know several people who use these patches and they swear by them. I purchased some on ebay and have used them for a week. At first I thought the brown goop may just be from the radiant head from your foot but as the days went on the brown goop became less and less until it was clear. I don't know if it is detoxing anything but I do feel somewhat better as the people who I know that use them. That's all I know about them is from my experience. Maybe I'm just a gullable old man!
  • I cannot say as to whether or not any impurities are removed from the body. I do know that a friend had one and operated without anyone's feet being in it (just the salt and tap water). The water turned muddy looking as a result of the iron molecules and other minerals in ordinary tap water. So all I can add is not to be misled by the resulting color of the water.
  • PT Barnum said there was a sucker born every minute. Logic says that this won't work. Two electrodes stuck in water and a direct current passed through it will not affect anything in the water that isn't inonized already. This quackery is a product of not taking basic chemistry in high school. The taking toxins out of your body through your foot is an amazing bit of shutzpa. Your liver does that extremely well. In a normal body there is no build up of toxins, including the colon. Thats another bit of quackery. If your liver isn't doing its job you get sick very very rapidly. The placebo effect is all that is working. Harmless except to your pocketbook. If you can afford it, fine.
  • Hello! It sounds like the color factor (may) not be proof of being actual toxins. I will tell you what I did, I took one of the patches, took "sterile" medical water fresh from a sealed bottle, placed the patch on some water from it on a stainless steel table, and after a few hours the patch was just as brown and hard as after taking it off a foot! This tells me it may be a scam at least as far as the misleading color change goes. Sounds like the ionic foot bath turning color without a foot in it is similar. I do believe however that the bottom of the feet can/do have the ability to allow toxins to come out though, same as the tongue emits waste from the body. So maybe it works even if being very deceptive. One person on here, and a commercial says the patches start getting lighter over time, so if that indeed occurs, either they affect the sweating of the feet, or maybe they do work somehow. I have not used mine regularly, and have no major pains to compare, so I can't say if they "work". I am still curious myself if they "work". Despite my test regarding the color change.
  • Here is what I know. I read an internet article where the guy (a dentist I think) said he tested the patches in lab and did find heavy metals in them after use. If he is a real guy, then either they work, or ?? Now, I can say that I did a test of placing one on a clean stainless steel surface with some hospital grade STERILE water. After a few hours it turned about the same color brown as if taken off my foot. Now.. at first I figured I had my answer. But.. fact is I still wonder if they "work". Because some say they get clearer and clearer after a bit, If this is true, then maybe my test drew up steel/metal molecules or something from the stainless steel surface, or maybe they get clearer due to changing the sweat factor on the feet, but maybe that is still a good sign. So my consensus is the only way to find out for sure is get a non-promoter to analyze the substance before and after a human use to see what is contained in it. I think there is still a chance they could be working as stated, even though the color change sounds like a very questionable misleading visual, just as ionic foot baths are said to turn dark without a foot having been in it.
  • I had my brother-inlaw test my pads in his chem. lab after I was done wearing them. And he told me that there was nothing on the pads(no toxins of any kind) It IS a scam! Junk don't waste your hard earned money. Cheers :o)
  • My husband bought a months supply of these kinoki foot pads at 20 bucks per box/2 boxes. Such a waste of money. He swears that they work. We have both worn them as directed with the same results; they are dark the next morning.But they don't get any lighter in color as the days go on.... Hmmm.. for a 100 lb woman that doesn't eat meat, drink soda,coffee,alcohol,smoke cigs..any of the above... And yet my pads are exactly the same as someone who does in fact do all of these harmful things;this tells me that they are a scam. not to mention that yo don't feel any better the next day or a week after wearing them.. thats all in the mind!
  • An NPR experiment on Kinoki foot pads tested to see if they'd drawn anything out of a reporter's body. Reporter Sarah Varney and her husband bought some โ€œdetoxifyingโ€ Kinoki foot pads and wore them to bed. In the morning, they both awoke find the pads covered in the brown mess that the advertisement had promised. But when they took the foot pads to a lab and had them analyzed and compared with unused pads, the used pads were almost identical to the blank. Further experimentation showed that the โ€œgunkโ€ in the pads shows up if you hold the pad over a pot of boiling water. Who knew steam had "metabolic waste"? Sources: ยท The Consumerist August 19, 2008 ยท ABC News April 11, 2008 ยท MSNBC June 19, 2008 The Kinoki foot pads -- as well as other brands -- promise to draw out everything from heavy metals to metabolic wastes, toxins, parasites, cellulite and more, to restore your vitality and health. Toxicology Lab Found No Toxins in Used Foot Pads Like reporter Sarah Varney, 20/20โ€™s correspondent John Stossel also took used pads in for toxicology testing. And, like hers, Stosselโ€™s results came back negative. 20/20 asked NMS Labs, a national laboratory in Willow Grove , Pa. , to analyze used Kinoki and Avon pads from eight volunteers. They tested for heavy metals, including arsenic and mercury, and 23 solvents such as benzene, tolulene and styrene. None of these common toxins were found in the used pads. So whatโ€™s that brown, foul-smelling gunk? Itโ€™s just a natural reaction between the ingredients and the moisture from the bottom of your foot. Exposing the pads to moisture, either by placing them over a steaming pot of water, or putting a few drops of water on them will make the ingredients turn a darker color and emit an unpleasant odor. Dr. Devra Davis, director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh and an expert on toxins, also conducted a similar experiment on her own, leaving the pads out overnight without their protective packaging. In an article for MSNBC she stated the pads contain โ€œlittle more than green tea and vinegar,โ€ and that the color and odor are likely the result of these ingredients โ€œinteracting with oxygen, heat or moisture.โ€ 20/20 asked Avon and Kinoki for scientific test results showing the pads do what they claim to do, but neither company fulfilled the request.
  • No, I very much doubt it. I'm thinking it's just color changing paper, that oxidizes with body warmth or something.
  • Foot patch detox should not be confused with real forms of body detox like calcium bentonite or montmorillonite clay baths and edible calcium bentonite/ montmorillonite cleanse. There are other real methods of internal/liver detox, such as chlorella and mineral supplements...but foot patches are a huge scam! read below: The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine found them to be useless back in 2005 A small study of commercially available Detoxification Foot Patches was undertaken to determine if there is evidence of heavy metal detoxification after using the foot patches as instructed by the manufacturer. Three foot patches were used in the experiment: an unused โ€œvirginโ€ foot patch as a control, one that was used by Patient A whoโ€™s mineral status showed no heavy metal poisoning, and another used by Patient B, whoโ€™s mineral status showed contamination with several heavy metals. Concluding: โ€ฆthere was no evidence of any detoxification of heavy metals. More importantly, the experiment revealed the control foot patch contained toxic levels of six heavy metals. For this reason, employing them as a therapeutic method of detoxification may contribute to toxic exposures of heavy metals they are purposed to be detoxifying.
  • If these foot patches dont work, and these companies are advertising them as ways to remove toxins from your body, arent there legal ramifications for false advertisement?
  • They sound like a load of nut-job rubbish to me, but I've never seen them Why do you want to remove metal from your body? Surely the only metal you have is iron which you need
  • I believe that there are reports that show that there are chemicals in the pad that react to sweat and oils from the feet to cause the color changes. I'm keeping my money in my pocket, as far as those things are concerned
  • I haven't but I'm always leery of any products that claim miraculous results but haven't been approved by the FDA. If they were so wonderful, you'd think the FDA would have approved/endorsed them and doctors would be prescribing them
  • I first bought the brand kiniko I think they are called from cvs they are not that good so I returned then. Then through research on the net I found a better quality one made in japan named kenrico I buy them from a seller on eBay and they do work I work a job where I'm on my feet a lot and I do feel after about ten minutes the pads working on all of the different reflexology points on my foot. I would suggest if you want to try them buy a small amount to start with.

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