It depends on what they did and how bad it was! : (
When I analyze this carefully, only my husband making me mad can last for more than a few hours.... He is the only one who truly is in my heart and can get under my skin.
I can stay mad for days. But I know some people who can stay mad at other people for years.
when it is my kids, I tend to get over it real quick. When it is my husband, it may be for hours, but we take care of it before we go to sleep. ANyone else it may take a little bit, but I do "let it go", it is not worth holding a grudge.
No but yes some times but it depends on who it is otherwise no.
very rarely....I don't hold grudges....and I try to work things out when I get angry
No I like to get it out of my system and carry on..its the best way!!
Depends on the nature... pidly stuff I take a nap, and all is forgotten/forgiven
I can usually get over it by the next day but I've been P.O'd for as long as a year
I am usually over it within the hour. Too many things happening in my life to dwell on being too emotionally upset.
sometimes days, but try not to let it get that far
With my s/o i never stay mad longer than a day. But at other people i can hold grudges a long time. I have an uncle who violated me 3 years ago and though my mother says to let it go and let him say he's sorry, i will never see him again until hes dead and i spit on his grave.
It really depends on what they did. Something little, I can get over it pretty quick... if it's something might take me a day or two to process and go on. Thanks for asking.
sometimes I can, foolishly ! :(
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